Chapter 78- Reset

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Shi's  grip was released, and a cough of relief filled the silent throne room.  The air around him grew tenser by the second as he barely could see  Kami's presence next to his own. He kept his eyes down, this time well  aware of the being he was dealing with. It was a way of showing respect,  and fear. After all, unlike Kami, this one wouldn't be as forgiving.

Kami  noticed his sudden change in attitude and looked content at the  shriveled-up celestial just a few inches away. It was almost as though  the realization of what she was suddenly brought him to his knees, and  she was enjoying it. 

The  only thing filling the heavy silence of the room now was Shi's  breathing, every second of it more torturous than the other. The others  in the room, by some power beyond their understanding, could only stand  in place and witness the near groveling sight of their one's mighty  king. A few gargling noises finally broke through the quiet. They came  from Shi himself, his mouth struggling to find the words that he wanted  to say.

"A-are you here to finish me off, then?"

Kami felt annoyed as she once again shook her head and replied.

"No, Kami, your Kami, didn't want me to hurt you, hmph~"

Shi's  eyesight barely lifted a few from the ground, he wanted to see her  exact reaction but the sweeping fear kept him from looking further.  These words though at least brought a bit of peace of mind to him.

"What do you plant to do now?"

"Hmmm, I wonder about that. I still have to fix up your little mess here, that's what I want to do at least!"

"...T-this was a game, a game betwe-"

"Save  it, you say this but look at these poor little girls next to you. One  thing would have been to kill them, but you messed with their very  souls. I'm not fond of such acts."

Kami  eyed Marie and the Reaper who were stunned in place. Their bodies  struggled to move but no reaction came from any part of them.

"Even  more so, you dealt a heavy blow to us by messing around with Say...u!  She was an awfully good assistant before you went about and messed with  her insides."


"Hush! You do not speak until I say you can speak."

A force suddenly stopped Shi on his tracks. His mouth wouldn't even open, as if it had been glued closed.

"You  are nothing but a troublemaker, I've tried patiently for eons to accept  your little stupid plotting but like an obnoxious child, you throw a  tantrum and make a mess, seriously, you are about as bratty as Lucy, but  at least she has her part to play. Seriously, this is growing old,  you've toppled thousands of my Universes, killed some of my most  favorite creations, stolen a nearly infinite supply of souls, made  corrupted beings out of Death, continued to-"

Shi  could feel the weight of the stern conversation. The paralyzing fear  was instantly replaced by confusion. She ranted on and on, carefully  pointing out everything bad he had ever done, and even some more that he  had no idea he had committed. His only assumption was that these other  bad deeds were probably done by his alternate timeline self before Kami  decided enough was enough. The traces of his sister disappeared leaving  behind a more tender nature alike Kami's own. A good ten minutes passed  before the lecture was over, leaving Shi in a child-like state of  defenselessness. 

"Well? Anything you have to say?"

Once more the grip on him was loosen and he could finally open his mouth again.

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