Chapter 38- Casual Living

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Three days, it had been nearly three days since they had arrived in this land the inhabitants knew as The Wild Lands. It had been a strange experience to begin with at first but Hiromichi and Sayu had gotten used to it at this point.

Hiromichi lazily raised his body from the hard ground, his vision half blurry from his sleep state.

"Shit what time is it..." he yawned loudly.

He rubbed on his eyes and looked around only to see the familiar hut he had been sleeping at for the past days. His body rocked back and forth as he struggled to get up on his feet. He stretched and let out another loud yawn before looking around once more.

This time he noticed Sayu, sleeping in the only small bed provided for them in this hut.

"She finally got some sleep huh?"

Since they got here, she had only gone to sleep once at most; something Hiromichi found completely bizarre. Although he had noticed over the course of time that both Kami and her never slept, he figure she must be getting some form of rest when he wasn't looking. However, now that they were spending some amount of time together, it became clear that she really didn't sleep much.

His eyes wandered a bit devilishly at her form before he shook his head and stumbled towards the exit.

"I really need to stop hanging out with Sebastien."

The light of the day hit his eyes forcing his to lower his gaze and covered himself with his hand. It was another usual day, with the inhabitants already up and about doing their own thing. It was incredibly peaceful here considering they lived among the potentially deadly monster.

"Didn't sleep much last night big guy?"

The voice made him spring up a bit before his eyes wandered towards the direction it came from. It was Tanaya, who leaned on a small pole near the hut. Her expression was quite lax as she raised herself from her position and gave Hiromichi a hard pat in the back.

"Watch it!" he exclaimed.

"Heh, you're still sleeping on the ground this whole time, figured you would have made a move at this point."

"What the hell, is that why you guys haven't given me a bed yet?!"

"Partially, mostly because you have to work for it dumbass, it ain't free."

"It was for her! Tch, whatever, I need to wash up, then I can help out and don't you dare get near that tent I'll be back sooner than you can do anything."

Tanaya who had been edging her way to the tent in order to take a peek instantly jumped back and played it off with an innocent stare.

Hiromichi picked up a small handmade bucket near the tent as he made his way towards the water reserves. He needed a bit of a splash in his face to get him going. Tanaya was awfully persistent to get him and Sayu together, but even more strangely, she herself seemed to have a thing for Sayu. She was strange to say the least but Hiromichi figure she was probably the kind of girl to swing that way.

"Thinking back on it, Thief's gotten pretty handsy with Sayu herself sometimes."

He remembered more than a few times where Thief would flirtatiously drop herself in Sayu's lap or throw herself in her arms and attempt a few risque moves. Then again, Thief seemed to generally get in that mood in her drunken state. Thinking about her made him remember his friends, the ones who were not with him as of this moment. Where could they possibly be, more than so, Himari had been left in the Ducuria Kingdom to care for herself. It was more than entirely possible the Hero of Tyr was takinglooking out for her but on the other hand, she could have been seen as an enemy of the country when she had been left to block the way of the two armies.

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