Chapter 86- Let's Talk

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Kami glanced around his own timeline feeling a sense of tranquility at returning. It was an exact copy of the one he had spent his time for a while but somehow there was nothing like the original.

He took in a deep breath and spoke softly.

"There's a few areas in this world we still haven't seen. If we hurr-"

His arms was clasped by a soft yet firm hand he recognized all to well. He didn't struggle against it as he turned his attention towards the person holding him back only to see Sayu's hardened expression.

"What's going on Kami?"


"I asked what's going on. I know the other version spoke about you dying, what are we going to do about it?"

"Hmmm, figures she would want me to go this route."

"Route? Route, what are you talking about?" Sayu asked her face showing signs of disgust.

"Ah well you see if certain games, depending on your actions it could lead to a ce-"

That was all he could get out before he felt Sayu's hand strike his face. It was surprising for sure as he felt a hot burning sensation fill his check and almost stumbled back. The grip she had on his arm though pulled him back before he even knew what happened.

"O-ow! I-I didn't give you the passive so you could hurt me on a wh-"

"Shut up! Just, shut up! I'm trying to understand what's happening, I'm trying to figure out what's going on so I can prevent it and all you want to do is talk about a stupid game!"

"Prevent it?"

"Yes, that's right! You idiot, you adolescent, immature prick!"

Kami felt a sudden shock at hearing Sayu calling him this. Her face showed a clear sign of anger and desperation as her breathing grew unsteady. He tried talking back but before he could she shook her head and started unloading everything she had onto him.

"I've taken care of everything for you for eons, millennia after millennia, ages of men and beast, standing by your side, finding the best solutions to every problem and this is the one time you want to keep me out of it?! You heartless bastard!"


"Shut up! If you think I'm going to let you die because your stupid visions say you are, you're wrong. Now sit down, and tell me everthing so I can figure something out!"

Kami felt Sayu's menacing aura grow as he shrunk back a bit and nervously laughed.

"Listen it's not-"

Once more, he felt her hand strike his cheek, this time with more force leaving a red mark on his face.

"O-ow! Stop that!" Kami added as he rubbed his face gently with his free hand.


'Hmmm, I feel like I'm getting troped here, shouldn't I be-'

"This isn't a trope, I said explain!"

"Y-you can read my mind?!" Kami asked dumbfounded.

"Of course not, I've just known you long enough to know what you're thinking, don't make me-"

"Alright alright, shesh."

Kami easily pulled back from Sayu's grip as she read a notification near her eyes reading.

[Passive {Hurts, Doesn't It?} Disabled]


"You're emotionally unstable right now, all that soul messing around Shi did is making you more human and you clearly tend to take the violent route, I'm turning it off before you choke me out yourself and call it an early 'Game Over'." Kami explained as he sat down near a small log.

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