Chapter 10- Vaults

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"Wow this is a pretty big place."

Kami and his party stood in what looked like a grand hall. The ceiling of the area looked like it would tower the skies and was as large enough to cover a mile walking distance at least. How this place was so miss able from the outside was only explained by the people who had designed this vault.

"It's a lot bigger inside than outside that's for sure. Some sort of magic to make it like this or something..."

Kami continued his thoughts as everyone glanced around at all the riches before them.

While Kami was more or less distracted by the size and skills that could have allowed the creation of such a place, the others were more preoccupied with the large mountains of golds, jewels, and treasures in front of them. It was like they had walked into the world's largest bank deposit.

"H-holy shit... this Kingdom was loaded..." Hiromichi mumbled as he walked up to a stash of gold, picked it up, and let it slip through the crack of his fingers.

Thief looked like she was hyperventilating at the display in front of her. She had never thought there would be such a wonderful place in existence.

She clasped her hands as tears rolled down her eyes.

"I-it's so beautiful... they should have sent a poet...ku ku ku"

Eh? Isn't that a quote from a movie somewhere...must be a coincidence...

Himari and Sayu examined the room, looking for any signs of danger.

It was starting to become apparent to Kami that Himari was taking in Sayu as an example of how she should be acting. Her more usual excited nature was slowly being drowned out by the more stoic personality Sayu displayed when around the others. It was a bit worrisome that she was taking in that kind of demeanor as someone that should be imitated but Sayu and Himari seemed to be growing closer so he overlooked it.

Ahhh, this is all because Himari wants to grow strong enough for me to acknowledge her. The fact that Sayu is the one I always keep besides me now is probably the reason why she decided to act more like her.

Then there was the Princess Ivory.

She looked around curiously, entranced by the display in front of her.

Now she was a strange case in Kami's book. There was something about her that the others didn't have. He first noticed it when he reached for her hand when he was offering it. There was a sensation he had not felt for a long time. His chest had raced when he did so and suddenly, he found himself not wanting to let go of her hand. Once they had reached the campsite, he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened so in a moment of weakness he headed out and had asked her to join them. Then there was the occasion when her guard had tried to step in between him and her and he had almost lost it. It was a strange feeling and he could feel himself recovering from it but what could it be. There was only one person before her that could possibly achieve such a reaction from him.

Sis? No there's no way she's, here right? Still, it wouldn't make any sense otherwise, she's like any other creation that's existed, nothing to make me act out. I invited her on a reflex that I couldn't quite control. Now thinking about it, asking the princess of an entire kingdom to join us on a frontline assault against a potential enemy is less that smart. She agreed though so this is probably what she wanted? Ahhh, I'm confused.

In truth, even if it was his sister it didn't matter. If by some chance she was hiding in that girl's body, he would have to ask her to leave her. He was well aware that her existence inside the girl would eventually dissipate her soul, so he would have to avoid feeling responsible for the death of a royal member because his sister couldn't just say she was here. There was also the fact that she was actually here in this Universe.

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