Chapter 36- A King's Fall

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Clemedus felt a burning hot sensation rise to his chest as the girl looked at him so indifferently. Her bow released an arrow which he once more deflected easily with his weapon. He couldn't bring himself to attack just yet.

"These arrows feel half-hearted, are you sure you truly intend to kill me?"

Shi chuckled contently as he leaned on a wall and quietly observed the flow of events develop.

The Mongrel Hero however maintained her composure as she raised another arrow over her bow and aimed it once more at Clemedus.

"Quiet, very unlike you!" Clemedus exclaimed with full force, swinging his spear towards the army that spread in front of him.

A large ring of lightning expelled from the swing, instantly striking the nameless soldiers that let out a yelp of pain only to drop to the ground. The Mongrel Hero however stood still, taking the full blast without flinching from its effect.

Clemedus had expected it to do no harm. It was a much weaker move only meant to eliminate the numbers on the side temporarily. Even though he was more than willing to take on the nations Hero on a one versus one scenario, having extra troops helping her out would benefit her, even if slightly. Then there was the other one, Shi, who despite his relaxed nature to the situation, had a strong aura emanating from him. He would deal with each one, one at a time. This is what he hoped at least but he knew that this was mostly a wish for a miracle than a sound strategy.

He casually aimed the spear at the girl and spoke with a firm voice.

"Are you going to attack or stand there with the bow aimed at me all day? I presume you've grown stronger since the last time we've met, otherwise, we already know who will win, Nakano."

She flinched at her name but only drew back on the string of her bow and yelled out.

"Draining Shot!"

The arrow gleamed for a second before she released it. It shot forward through the air rippling the area around it. Clemedus only twirled the spear in front of him.

"Guard Counter."

The spear twirled around his fingers, gaining speed before it became a blur and creating a large shield-like barrier in front of him. The arrow struck the barrier and instantly dissipated. A blast of energy shot back at Nakano who barely managed to move out of the way before she lifted her bow once more and threw a barrage of arrows.

Clemedus could see through every shot, as he swung his spear left and right, deflecting every one of her shots with much ease. Still he couldn't do this forever, while they were more than easy to repel, it was clear what she was doing at this point. Trying to wear him down till the point where she could take advantage of it.

He found an opening between the storm of arrows as he advanced upwards with his spear making quick work of every shot aimed at him.

Nakano lowered herself onto her knee and held on the string of the bow. There was a quick rumbling as she channeled her mana into the arrows body and carefully aimed.

"Silver Tip."

It was fast, like a whistle in the wind. Clemedus who had been carefully advancing only stood still as the impact of the attack didn't hit him until it was too late. He glanced at his shoulder only to notice a significantly large hole where his armor used to be. His arm dangled to the side, having lost all movement to it. He quickly glanced at Nakano, a large feeling of pain sweeping his chest. It wasn't because of the attack that had hit him, but because of who had dealt the shot.

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