Chapter 93- Kami VS God II

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Name: God


EXP: 8634912 /10470000

Title: Omnipotent Ruler

Class: -

HP: 900,836/999,999+

Stamina: 999,999+/999,999+

Mana: 949,999/999,999+

Strength: 999,999+

Endurance: 999,999+

Intelligence: 999,999+

Dexterity: 999,999+

Charisma: 999,999+

Wisdom: 999,999+

'Hmmm, that punch Sayu did really knocked him down a bit. Actually, it's more likely that he took some heavy recoil damage when he smacked that small sun against the ground back in the other area. Either way, it looks like Sayu's getting the point of the passive. If only Thief would...'

Kami raised his hand and snapped his fingers as a glowing green light enveloped the others.

They glanced back at him and gave him a thankful nod. Their HP's and wounds had healed not like it would mean too much against someone with the potential to one shot them.

Unfortunately for Kami, how he had been playing the game so far didn't really give him enough time to create anything too over power as a skill, so he was limited to his summoning's, healing skills, and tankiness thanks to his passives. Sure he had a few strong offensive skills but for the most part, nothing that could one shot, well, himself. It hadn't been needed all this time, since the simplest of tricks was enough to defeat anyone in this world.

Kami clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and moved past his idle team towards the very front. He raised his arms to his sides as a rather large shield appeared infront on his left arm, fully buckled and gripped, and a glowing silver sword which he grasps mid-air. The weapons and shield were made with his most basic skill he had used from the beginning, Create.

"I think I accidentally speced as a tank." Kami chuckled.

The others exchanged confused stares but instantly turned their attention back to God who was intensely staring back.

"I hope you can all take advantage of not only your higher than normal stats, but abilities or skills you might have recently acquired." Kami added, his eyes not deviating from God's figure.

Once more they were confused, but figured he was trying to tell them something.

There wasn't much room for thinking though as God's large frame vanished and reappared merely a few feet away from Kami.

His reaction was quick as he lifted his shield in time to feel the full grunt force of God's fist hit the metal. It send vibrations through the shield that send Kami's arm into a shivering state of pain. At the same time though, Kami swung from the side that was mostly opened. God swung heavily on his attack, leaving the left upper part of his body mostly exposed to an opening. The sword, which was light, but sturdy due to its otherworldly component Kami himself had thought off, easily reached its target.

However the sword felt as though it had hit steel itself. Only felt though; the force of the weapon managed to slightly gash at God's ribs, leaving his clothing with a tear and a small cut.

Kami followed his successful strike by pushing back with all his strength against the shield. The much bigger, dominating height of God was off balanced and instantly pushed back a few feet away.

God's an Adventurer: Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now