Chapter 85- Kami? "Final Part"

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[Status Bar]

Name: Kami



Title: Goddess of All/Runaway God

Class: God

HP: 72000/72000

Stamina: 72000/72000

Mana: 72000/72000

Strength: 72000

Endurance: 72000

Intelligence: 72000

Dexterity: 72000

Charisma: 32

Wisdom: 72000

"Hi hi~! Oh, Im so glad to be back in my own timeline!"

A more than chirpy Kami clapped her hands together as the others around them stood in awe. Next to her stood another face all too similar to her own. It was Kami but with a twist. It was the male Kami who awkwardly rubbed the back of his head without much as a word to say.

[Status Bar]

Name: Kami


EXP: 8745/162000

Title: God of All/ Celestia's Omnipotent God

Class: God/?

HP: 528000/528000

Stamina: 528000/528000

Mana: 528000/528000

Strength: 528000

Endurance: 528000

Intelligence: 528000

Dexterity: 528000

Charisma: 61

Wisdom: 528000

Luck: 10+

"I feel a strong sense of déjà vu." said Kami as he glanced over at the female one.

"Really? How so?"

Kami shook his head and smiled as he glanced down at the onlooking friends. "You'll see, I'm surprised you kept all knowledge on your universe intact."

She pouted and crossed her arms, simply looking away like an annoyed kid. "Just because you ruined your fun doesn't mean I have to ruin my own."

"H-holy shit she's back!" Hiromichi yelled out. He was standing in the middle of the room like a deer in headlights simply staring at the two Kami's conversating back and forth.

Next to him was Say, impatiently shaking his body back and forth at seeing Kami's appearance.

"Oh..Oh no I remember him..." Sayu who had been quietly standing next to Kami this whole time finally murmured underneath her breath.

Before she got to show her distaste any further Say dashed towards the female Kami and instantly clung onto her.


"Oh my dear lovely flower where have you been?! I've been so lonely without your wonderful presence to illuminate my path! This Creator is so tactless and won't even make have a reaction when I throw myself at him, but you, you truly make it worth it my Creator!"

God's an Adventurer: Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now