Chapter 47- Welcome to Kami's Gift Shop!

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"God-level gear?"

Hiromichi faced showed his awe despite wanting to keep a straight reaction.

The ring gleamed brightly in the hands of Kami as he tossed it between his fingers and smiled.

"Well this is probably something a bit more than that. What would I call it? Kami-Level Gear? Creation-Level Gear? Alpha-Gear? We'll come back to it, anyway yes this is something spectacularly good to admire, here."

Kami tossed the ring into Hiromichi surprised grasp as he held the ring in his fingers. He could feel a electrifying amount of strength coursing through his fingertips into the rest of his body just by simply holding it. He knew just by the sensation that his own strength was being increased from the aura of power emanating around the ring. His eyes gleamed as he stared back at Kami and mumbled.

"W-what do you want me to do with this?"

"Interesting, what does one do with a ring Hiromichi?" Kami asked sarcastically as his eyes wandered between the ring and his face.

Hiromichi looked back at the ring and felt his heart immediately race. He didn't know what putting the ring on would do but he was sure that it would make him stronger. His strength and vitality continued to sky rocket even though he didn't even have it on, how much stronger would he grow just by putting it on. He could feel his hand begin trembling as he slowly slid the ring in between his fingers.

The effect was almost instantaneous. There was a large flow of divine energy that sunk into Hiromichi's person. The electrifying sensation he had been feeling from holding the ring grew in intensity as he slowly stumbled back in shock.

"W-what the hell is this feeling?"

It was empowering, almost intoxicating. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he struggled to keep himself composed. This was beyond his wildest dream. This ring gave him a sensation of power he had never felt before. All he knew right now was that he never wanted to take it off, that it was his to keep and no one would take it away. It was like a beast emerged from his chest and roared out in delight at having this gear in his hands.

"Feeling okay there?" Kami smiled.


The sensation slowly calmed like a storm in passing. His conscious became clear and his vision returned. For a second, he could feel the overwhelming power that was now coursing through his body slowly overtaking him but it subsided and was replaced with the sense of tranquility. He felt at peace for the first time in a while as his eyes wandered back to the ring that was now on his finger and back to Kami.

"What happened?"

Tanaya and Sayu stared at Hiromichi half concerned. Their bodies were inclined away from him and they had a defensive position to their stance.

"W-why are you all acting scared?! I didn't do anything!"

In truth they were just taken a back from the level of energy that forced them back. Both Tanaya and Sayu instinctively covered themselves at the sight of Hiromichi suddenly exuding divine energy.

Hiromichi on the other hand only saw a small notification appear infront of his eyes

[Basic Ring of Divine Creation Equipped]

His confusion rose at the title. There had to be some sort of mistake, the notification was calling it a basic ring, something low-level but he could clearly feel himself being much stronger than before. He quickly glanced at his stats as his jaw grew tense at the sight of his numbers.

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