Chapter 84- Back You Go

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"Hi hi!"

Aranui blinked in confusion at the person standing beside her. It was a bit entrancing at first but she carefully analyzed the person. This person definitely looked familiar, the same aqua blue eyes, the shade of red tinted hair, and the plain scheme of clothing. However it wasn't her brother, it was more as though he had found a lost unheard of sister. Her skin for one was slightly lighter than Kami's and her face was filled with a somewhat happy-go getter attitude that was borderline dumbfounded. Her figure was almost too perfect, despite the clear lack of style with her clothes, but the combination worked almost hand in hand. Aranui couldn't help but stare and glance up and down this creature, instantly locking her sight on the more female aspects she had.

"Ngh~! If keep staring at me like that you're going to make me blush!" exclaimed the female Kami whose hands moved up to her now flushed face.

"W-what? W-who are you?" Aranui asked, not quite connecting the dots.

"Oh? Is it that hard to tell? I'm a bit hurt you can tell who I am."

"K-Kami? B-but he's... you're... a she..."

"Am I really? I can be whatever makes you more comfortable! I've always preferred this myself!"

"...Alternate... timeline?"

"Bingo~! I'm glad I don't have to explain!"

Aranui sighed, and looked towards her sides in a bored mannerism.

"I never liked the idea of so many Kami's running around, what was he thinking splitting time like that."

Kami simply giggled and walked closer towards Aranui as she tried her hardest to ignore her.

"Are you mad? You have a thing for me I'm confused how you can be giving me such a cold shoulder." Kami said leaning over carefully as she attempted to get her attention.

"You're just a mirage of a fragment of time that shouldn't exist. You and all those other branches, I don't have the same obsession over something so fickle."

"You're mean~! I suppose you're right we're just copies after all, but I'm a copy of someone that got what she wanted."

Kami swiftly grasped onto the fragile fairy's arm and held tightly as Aranui gasped.

"W-what are you doin-!"

She was immediately answered by the familiar jolt of excitement she got everytime Kami and her touched. It twisted and caused a turmoil in her head as the impact of the sudden ecstatic sensation left her mindlessly indulging. However, past all that there was something different about it, it was wilder and more dangerous. Peeling in the layers, if she focused hard enough she saw something that made her gasp and immediately retract her own arm from the soft grasp of Kami's hand.

"Y-you'" Aranui asked dumbfounded.

"Not exactly~! That was exciting though wasn't it? Honestly I haven't had that thrill for a while now I can get addicted to it again."

"But I felt it! My essence, its deep inside... mixed with Kami's own. How did you-"

"Let's just say I had to persuade him! He wasn't all for it, but we're one now and that's all that matters!"

Aranui eyes wandered back and forth yet again in silence before she cleared her throat and asked.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm only here because Kami requested it, he wants me to let you know something."

"Huh...what is it?"

Kami raised her hand as she got ever so much closer to her.

Aranui in a moment of shock moved back but realized her back was already against the wall. It seemed though that Kami had no intention of stopping as both their faces were nearly a few inches off each other. She could sense Kami's breathing hit the base of her neck and this made her knees grow weak.

Kami who was being driven by the ecstatic feeling of their proximity raised her lips towards Aranui's ear and whispered in a delightful tone.

"He wants you to go back to the Void."


"You heard me! Back to the emptiness!"

"B-but he told me-"

"Have you ever really doubted Kami? What's with this sudden hesitation? Just do what he tells you to do and everything will turn out for the better! He desperately needs you to be there!"

"I don't understand! He told me I didn't have to go back why do I suddenly have to return!"

"If I told you then it would just be a hassle, spoilers for another book as some might say. There is a game going on and I'm putting the final pieces where they belong before he dies."


"Oh, right, woopsie he's going to die! Slipped my tongue!"

Aranui felt a soul crushing sensation of pain overwhelm her and with it, her own energy began leaking out. The cell around them began oozing as though being made from jello and the landscape began twisting and swirling.

"He...he's what?"

Kami let out a small sigh as the area around them began slowly repairing itself.

"This is why you need to not be here by the time he dies, you'll let out too much of your energy and start destroying Creation from the inside out, now leave."

Aranui angrily glanced at Kami as she made an attempt to grab onto her. It was effortless though as she instantly vanished leaving only Kami standing in the middle of the cell with a concerned expression.

"I didn't want to have to force her, but keeping her locked in the Void for a few should result in the same ending."

Kami sighed once more this time with a bit of a tired expression before annoyingly mustering up her voice.

"There's only one place left for me to go before this whole fiasco ends. I hope you get what you wanted out of this Kami."

With those words she vanished once more, preparing herself for the last meeting she would have before Kami's final breath.

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