Chapter 80-Ages Ago II

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It was the beginning of Creation. It started with that new being, meant to be similar to us. Things didn't stop there however, one thing lead to another, he began creating more and more. His eyes flickering with a burning passion I had not seen before. It continued with Sayu, then Heaven, his angels, an endless army of them, galaxies, stars, planets, on and on. Before I knew it, the empty void of space we had ones resided it had completely changed. Everywhere I looked, there was something new, something God had made.

This didn't upset me, in fact, for every new object or creature he made, my curiosity and amazement grew. As I looked at him waving his hands around, and standing tall over these creations, it made me realize just exactly where we stood in this world of his he was making. Slowly, I began to understand, the beauty of creation to his image. Perhaps it was my obsessive nature, but seeing such inferior beings next to him only made his presence much greater. Everything he made, only served for that purpose, only one bothered me.

"It's a start..."

God's words brought me back to reality as I glanced towards him. We were floating next to a planet, an insignifant one at that, just like any other before it.

"What do you intend to do, oh benevolent one?"

A second voice, standing next to his figure spoke up. It was his second creation, one who followed him everywhere he went. She was made with the single purpose of worshipping and adoring God, one fitting to their nature in this pyramid, I felt. She was an angel, of a much higher quality than the normal ones he made, known as an Archangel. For a strange reason, her job was of an "assistant". I was still a bit confused as to the exact nature of that word, but I let it stop bother me long ago. Sayu and I got along quite well. Our mutual respect, and love for God made her likeable in my opinion.

Her emerald eyes stared at God as though he was everything, and I imagined that this was the same look I made every time.

"Brother, is it necessary to start here."

This voice filled me with an unyielding burning sensation. I carefully glanced over at the creature standing next to me, and the mere reflection of my image in his eyes filled me with an emotion I couldn't understand. This was God's first creation, Shi, that's what God had called him. From the beginning, there was something about it that I didn't like. Shortly after being created, Shi had begun tailing God around, and had even taken his form. While God found it flattering, I was less than thrilled about such a being taking his form. Despite Sayu's and my near obsession with God, Shi's seemed disturbing. The words were indiscernible to me, but as I learned, this made it hard for me to be around Shi.

Shi continued, unfazed by my stare.

"Such a planet in the middle of nowhere, it would be a waste for any project you have in mind."

God's eyes were glued to the planet in front of him as he replied.

"I want to start here."

"And what exactly are you doing?"

God was quiet for a bit. His silence usually meant that he was looking for the right words to say. Surely enough, after a few moments he began speaking once more.

"Free will."


"What's that?" I finally spoke up, the curiosity winning over my burning emotions.

"I've been thinking...why are you all here...standing beside me, as beings who adore me?"

The question caught me off guard but he continued as he glanced over at Sayu.

God's an Adventurer: Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now