Chapter 92- Hit 'Em Hard

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She could feel heart pounding aggressively against her chest. Her head was filled with a loud repetitive thud that began slowly aching. The adrenaline from launching herself at high speeds against an unwary, yet far more powerful being, left her body in a completely state of shock as she landed on her feet and glanced almost instantly with a fright back at the seemingly confused opponent. A flashing message sprung up in large bold letters leaving her flabbergasted.

[Successfully stolen [Omniscience]!]

A small high-pitched yelp escaped her mouth before she caught herself and sealed her lips. The chances of it succeeding were so low that there wasn't a doubt in her mind that it would fail. If there was anything to thank it would be her-

Her eyes blinked as the enlightenment of having a Luck stat shined down on her. Even if the chances were low, her Luck stat would automatically adjust a percentile skill based on itself meaning her chances were much higher than anticipated.

A few mere seconds passed, filling her mind with thoughts at a much faster pace than she would normally think. The rush to survive this catastrophe kept her on her toes, which is why she couldn't just stand there for much longer.

Thief quickly turned once more and with all her strength ran back towards the being proclaimed as God.

'T-two more passives to go, ku!'

She felt her body pushing itself to the limit as her hand outstretched and began glowing lightly. It felt as though she was moving incredibly slowly, feeling like an eternity before she was face to face with God once again. She swung her hand quickly, making a swiping motion before yelling out.

"Plunder Identity!"

[Failed to steal [Omnipresence].]

'C-Crap, j-just when I was feeling safe because of my Luck stat!'

Thief could see God's sudden change from confusion to anger as he raised his hand at her and spoke.

"That was your last chance to catch me off guard. Pity."

Thief felt shivers run down her spine as she yelled at her body to move, but felt a heavy weight of fear paralyzing her in place as a small yellow orb manifested itself in the large palm of God and began increasing in size and magnitude.

"Unless he plans to keep running away and take you all away at the same time, as I destroy this planet piece by piece, punishment will fall on your head here mortal." he continued to mock.

Her pupils dilated as her face grew into a panic at the orb that was now just a few inches off her face. She felt an uncomfortable aura of heat and began feeling her skin cinching. Whatever this thing was, it felt like spending a long day out in the burning heat underneath the sun in just a blink of an eye. It wasn't long before it even went past that point and her skin began burning with the intensity of the fiery waves hitting.

'T-this is so painful, I-I have to move, b-b-but does it matter. W-won't he just stop me and I'll...n-n-no, I have so much gold to live for!'


In a single moment she felt herself run without much consideration towards God. This being, this flawed imitation of Kami was threatening someone she had grown fond of. Someone that had spent long hours in a stupid tavern, drinking, talking, making fun of Hiromichi with as though it was a hobby. The person she spent pointless amount of time in that city with outside of Kami. She knew her sword wouldn't do much, maybe not even cause a dent, but maybe a distraction, a second to have Thief react and move out of the way, that's all she needed. No, maybe more than that, she had something a little more useful, a fist.

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