Chapter 89- Kami VS God

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"Piercing Light!"

A spear made of vast light shot out from Sayu's palm. It was fast but God's reaction was faster.

He swatted away at the attack easily breaking it as though it was a mere fly. "Do you expect to damage me with such a weak attack?"

Sayu held her palm high and yelled out once again. "Piercing Light! Piercing Light!"

One after another, the attacks continued but just the same, God easily continued to dismiss them with no signs of slowing down.

Kami snapped his fingers "Fire Strike."

To compliment on the onslaught of spears Sayu kept throwing, a large array of fireballs lined up behind them and instantly launched themselves at their target.

"Weak, weak!" yelled out God as he extended his arms outward, readying to take the duo-combination of attacks head on as if to prove a point.

Sayu's eyes instantly sparkled at the opening as she quickly opened up on her passive menu.

[Hurts Doesn't It? has been enabled]

"Holy Fire!"

The already impressively large fireballs that began landing with a large explosion became a flaming white ball of intense heat that grew in size and destruction capability. One after another they hit God's figure, detonating without end. The chaos raised the fires towards the sky along with fractures of ground and dirt flying in all directions. It didn't take long for the entirety of the area to become cover in a less than comfortable cloud of dark soot that blocked their vision. However, the flames continued seeking their target and they could hear the large booms of every single successful hit.

"Nice work!" yelled out Kami hoping his voice wasn't being completely drowned.

"As expected of me of course." replied Sayu boastfully.

Their moment of relief didn't last long as a large wave of air currents suddendly cleared out the blinding cloud surrounding them.

Kami knew where to move before he even saw it. His feet instinctively pushed Sayu to the side as a fist managed to him right in his jaw.

"K-Kami?!" Sayu yelled out feeling surprised at the abrupt change in atmosphere.

He resisted with all his might as his body was being pushed down onto the ground by the mere force of God's knuckles shoving down his face.

"Ngh, this is a bother." Kami grasps the large arm that was digging itself into his face with his left hand and quickly raised his right hand on his stomach as he felt the impact of the other fist coming at him hit the palm of it. It was a burning hot sensation that left his hand numb. The rest of his body though was shot with an electric shock of pain at stopping the force of this powerful being that hovered over him much smaller frame. "Really, this is...a bother."

God's dark expression grew a menacing aura as his strength started to easily push Kami down. "Why don't you die?"

Kami couldn't help but grin despite the fact that his face was being flatted out by God's large hand. "Fhirst thime phlaying james?"

His teeth gritted with anger at Kami's nonchalant response as he pushed with more might. This only served to surprise him as he held onto both his hands. He would have thought Kami would be trying to escape but instead it seemed like he was trying to hold him in place. That's when he realized what the mistake he had caused as he glanced behind him and saw Sayu's image in the air, her sword already mid-swing. She bared a couple of angelic translucent wings and a glowing aura

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