Chapter 30- Got Caught

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Kami couldn't help but hold back a laugh. Life was fun in its own way; you never did know where you would end up without the infinite prior knowledge that he usually carried around. Perhaps this is why, despite the fact that he found himself tied up in a camp next to a roaring fire surrounded by bandits that drank and talked among themselves, he was having a fun time.

He felt Edona's back squirming behind him as she whispered.

"D-don't you think we've played this long enough?"

Thief followed on the statement closely also making sure her voice wasn't heard by any of the bandits.

"Ku, is this because of the High Warrior business?! K-Kami d-don't let them do something regretful to us and get us out of here now!"

Kami smiled and replied to their worries.

"Relax, this is an interesting situation we find ourselves in. Besides it's your fault where are the daggers I gave you?"


The bandits glanced over at Thief who had accidently let her voice out just a bit too loud. They snarled and bared their teeth for a few but eventually returned back to their own business.

Thief shrunk back down and whisper once more.

"Stop being childish and get us out, ku."

"This has nothing to do with you being the High Warrior; I actually was finding the idea of it all amusing. This is about something else, something that caught my attention."

It was true. Although the only reason why they found themselves in this situation was because Thief had been the one leading them towards a trap, this was not the reason why he refused to break them all free immediately. He had heard the bandits whispering something that peaked his curiosity, something along the lines of 'The Wild Beast Tamer of the West was heading this way'. The statement itself was not what kept him waiting patiently, no, it was the reference.

This would be the second time he heard that title being mention in such a short span of time. Once during the conversation with Arborous; back when Hiromichi had tried to reveal that he was actually the presumed prince of Ostiz known as Hiroki and now a second time, by some random unknown bandits. He would be lying if he had not been completely curious about the concept of the 'Wild Beast Tamers'.

"Edona, you got some time to talk?"


"Oh good, thought you might have somewhere to go. What do you know about the Wild Beast Tamers of the North and West?"

"O-oh, you were traveling with one of them were you not, or at least one that claimed to be the Wild Beast Tamer of the North."


"I-it's a long story, but answering your original question, they are powerful Beast Tamers that can control Beasts of any level or origin. I-In total that we've kept track of there are four, the Wild Beast Tamer of the North, East, South, and West. Outside of that their title is the equivalent of someone going around calling themselves the best swordsman. From what we've seen they are mostly above average Tamers with a lot of weight in the nations that can hand the title down from generation to generation to someone and get a boost on capture rate of monsters. Why do you ask?"

"Hmmm, did you not hear the bandits talking about the Wild Beast Tamer of the West coming this way?"

"O-oh... well I was a bit preoccupied...avoiding the conflict."

"Alright, what can you tell me about the Wild Beast Tamer of the West?"

"Circe they call her-"

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