Extra Chapter 3- The Music Club

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In a night, not so unlike any other, in a city with no particular name; in the midst of the bright lights and intoxicating jubilus atmosphere, a doorway hidden by the common eye between a number of tightly packed buildings stood. The only light that came in into the poorly lit alley was the faltering overhead lamps placed symmetrically a few feet away from each other. The melody of cars and footsteps came and went but every so often one or two people would make a turn on that alley; their destination behind the metal grayed out door. A few knocks in sequence, a whistle, and a patient mind, and eventually the door would swing open with no apparent host to receive them.

New visitors would have a mixture of emotions, some were thrilled; curiosity besting them in a game of logic, and they would step inside without looking back. Some would tense up, their fears of the unknown winning over, but nonetheless, they would step in with the hope that their fears were nothing but that. Of course, recuring visitors knew the truth, that behind that mysterious entrance, nothing much out of the ordinary waited for them inside.

Once in, one would walk for a short distance before realizing the nature of this establishment; a simple club. The smell of smoke and a distinct aroma akin to sweet apples permeated, but one quickly grew accustom to it. Lines of tables with chairs stretched from one end of the room to the other. They were well decorated, glasses and small silver gleaming utensils placed accordingly next to each other over a red tinted cloth with small designs imbedded from corner to corner. Towards the other side, a large stage with lights hovering over it stood. A piano alongside a mic and a few other instruments were carefully placed, showing that this was likely a music club of sorts. If that wasn't enough for patrons that found themselves into this oddly hidden business, a bar near the entrance, with a number of seats adjacent to the countertop, invited even the most disappointed comer to at least a drink or two. Once here, the classy décor and gentle atmosphere would take over, and one would find themselves sitting here for hours, on this dark lit club enjoying the relaxing mellow music, or simply the company of one or other person who happened to walk in for a drink.

This particular night was no different than any other night for this music club, despite their large number count of tables and chairs, only a handful of people sat around taking a drink in and simply taking in the tranquility of it all. A symphony, jazz perhaps, played in the background, the band plucking away at their instruments, and a woman voice that sooth even the heart of those in deepest turmoil.

One specific patron, one who visited just as often as those who had learned of this tucked away gem, if not more often, sat with her back against the rest of the club, facing the bartender who was slowly wiping away at a glass in his hands.

She glanced at the glass in her hand, her fingertips slowly moving around in circles around the edges as if tracing its design over and over again. She would then pick it up, rattle the ice around the drink for a bit before taking a sip, and repeat the process again.

"Miss..." The bartender spoke up, his indifferent tone and deep voice bringing no sense of alarm.

She raised her eyes, only partially paying attention to the man in front.

"Would you like me to top that?"

The drink in her hand wasn't quite empty, but it showed signs of attentiveness in this man's work that he offered to do so already. She nodded her head and moved her hand away from the glass.

The bartender quickly pulled out a bottle from the other side of the counter, and poured the drink ever so carefully over her glass filling it just perfectly.

"Thank you."

He nodded, and went about his work.

This had been her life for a while now. It was tiresome so she would come here every so often, and linger with the mortals of this universe as one of them to take some time to herself. Of course, no one knew who she really was, no one here at least. To them, she was a woman who visited this club frequently and had a few drinks over the course of hours before leaving and repeating the process again the next day.

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