Valentine's Special???

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A/N: It had occurred to me while looking at all my saved scraps of word documents and half-assed unfinished chapters, drafts of one idea to another, that I had not posted this chapter back in February. It was going to be a Valentine's special kinda thing, but I must have forgotten somewhere along the way... MONTHS late... but better late than never, am I right?! Do enjoy, and added; I understand why this might be a confusing update overall, I do indeed. Also, just because this is a VALENTINE'S special, do not expect anything of that sort. It's just...a special...I should just rename it a special... I guess.

For some reason, the city was abuzz, so much more than usual. The streets were filled with people from end to end making it awfully uncomfortable moving through them. Kami, whom had just woken up and decided to head out, was caught by surprised. Just stepping out and standing on the stair case, he could see the numerous faces moving through a sea of common folk. The sound of chatter filled the air, and dazed Kami. He stood silently, observing the commotion, before letting out a sigh and sharp grin.

"Wonder if I'll get there in time like this..."

He had promised Hiromichi that he would make his way over to the tavern first thing in the morning. By the looks of it, it would be a while before he reached it. His focus was drawn to the edge of his peripheral as he saw a small number displayed on the side, not quite fully visible if unfocused, but nonetheless, there if you payed attention.


Fifteen minutes to make it across just walking would be too much of a bother. His feet grew light, along with the rest of his frame. His body began gently levitating off the ground and his eyes turned towards the skies. There were a couple other people, some riding a few mounts, others simply flying around of their own accord. It was definitely heavier traffic than usual, even for the skies, but nothing too comparable. The large floating islands, along with the Citadel could be seen at a distance. He was still in awe as to how massive this region of the world was. This was no time to stand and admire the view though.

Kami took off like a bullet being shot at, leaving behind only a trail of dust and a loud popping sound. The buildings below him slowly began drifting away from sight, but the floating islands seemed to move closer and closer. They were still a distance away but from this angle, they looked much bigger. His eyes quickly moved towards a small moving orb. It was bright green and was moving at top speed towards him. He groaned and came to a sudden stop as he allowed the air from this height to flow through his face. It was refreshing, a good way to wake up from a long night.

The orb seemed to notice Kami's sudden stop as it also slowed down before inevitably coming to a halt just a few inches away.

"Good morning citizen! We noticed you took off at an alarmingly high speed which violates the speed limit permitted by those within the city. If you would please present your flying permit, or a secondary form of validation. An official will be with you shortly."

He sneered with a bit of contempt but found the idea of having to carry around a paper giving him permission to fly around funny. Even more so, the idea of speed limits almost made things laughable. He didn't want to cause any trouble so he searched his pockets before pulling out a small booklet. The booklet contained the special seal he had been given after meeting the Elites. He expected this to be short and to the point.

The orb however scanned the booklet and continued.

"Thank you for your cooperation, please stand by!"

"Eh? I have somewhere to be though, is there anyway-"

"An official will be with you shortly, please wait!"

God's an Adventurer: Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now