Chapter 5- Carriage Ride

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Kami yawned as he leaned back on the small carriage that they were currently riding. Besides him sat Sayu and Himari Across from him where Hiromichi and Thief who also seemed bored by the long ride.

"Are you okay with this Hiromichi?"

"Tch, I already said I'm fine! The King already expunged all the crimes I did and I don't really remember much from my time in the Ostiz Kingdom, it's all hazy and shit."

"That's  a bit strange don't you think? Didn't you ever wonder why you can't  remember anything from your time serving as a guard in the Ostiz Kingdom?"

"Heh! Not really, I just move on and keep up the fight! Yeah  I did some bad shit after my time be frank with you I can't  really remember why either, but it doesn't matter it all worked out!"

Hiromichi let out a laugh as the rest of the group stared at him in confusion.

"Perhaps the ape needs a memory job. I sugges-"

"You picking a fight lacky!" Hiromichi interrupted Sayu with a loud bark.

"-st a Mind Rejuvenation Potion. If we gather the right materials,  we could make a custom batch. It won't guarantee anything but perhaps  it will jog your memory. I feel confident with my skills to make such a  beverage." continued Sayu as she raised her chest in confidence.

"I expected something else...sorry..." Hiromichi mumbled as he crossed his arms and continue to spew words under his breath.

"You've been amazing at making things like that Sayu. I'm actually impressed."said Kami slightly curious about how this process worked.

"Your praise is sufficient for my work Almighty."

This was true. Over the course of the past three months Sayu  had managed to find other things besides combat to make herself useful  with. Alchemy, an art of potion making, was something she had picked up  and worked towards progressing. She had learned many combinations of  materials she could make to provide certain effects with drinks. Thief  had begun teaching her the basics but before long Sayu had become the teacher. Another thing she had tried picking up was Blacksmithing, and to Gorgraens  surprise, she was proficient at it as well. Only she knew what other  things she had tried doing that she was good at. It looked like she was  beginning to enjoy her life in this Universe to some extent.

I came here to enjoy an RPG life and it seems like Sayu is doing more than I am. I'm happy for her, but I can't help feel like she's better at this than I am. Ahhh,  I should probably ask her to teach me more about this stuff when we get  back. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to teach me everything she knows.

"I-Is something wrong Kami?" Sayu stuttered, her figure becoming stiff at Kami's stare.

He had not realized he had been looking at Sayu while he was lost in thought.

"Nothing, just think you're doing a good job since we've arrived here. Sorta proud of you and stuff." Kami said scratching his cheek turning his attention towards the small window.

"T-thank you. I shall continue my endeavors then!"

"We never really got the story here, what's the deal between you two? I get you're a God and shit but she's not for sure. She follows you around like a dog on a leash." commented Hiromichi.

"He is my Creator, why should I not follow him around as so!?" Sayu retaliated as if she had been offended.

They rest of them looked at Kami getting the full idea.

"Y-you made her. Y-you can just make h-hot chicks like that and you've been holding out on me?!" 

"S-something like that, it's not as easy as she makes it sound."

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