Chapter 68- Stop Talking

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The air around Sayu felt heavy as she silently followed around Kami, who seemed care free. She twirled and turned curiously investigating every little corner of the tribe, consistently walking up to a few of the inhabitants and blatantly shouting out random questions at them and more than a few times walking up to the tamed monsters around the area and scanning them for "potential EXP".

"How did you get here anyway?! Oh, I'm really looking forward to showing my own version of friends these areas they're so much different than the Ducuria Kingdom!" she exclaimed happily.

Sayu simply sighed and mumbled under her breath.

"You should know how... you're in the know it all state..."

Kami quickly glanced over at her and giggled.

"You're in a bad mood, why is that?"

"Your questions are a bit redundant considering you must know..."

"Ooooh, your rebellious side is showing."

Sayu only sneered and turned her head away from her as she contemplated what to do next. If what Kami was telling her was true, it means that her own Kami was in danger of dying, something she couldn't think possible. Either way, as his personal assistant, she should be able to come up with a solution to this crisis.

"Why is it up to you to solve this problem though?"

Kami's question made Sayu jump a little.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Why is it your responsibility? He's going to die one way or another, what can you do?"

She felt a hot burning sensation from within her belly rise past her chest and boil over.

"Why?! That's because-"

"You were made to do so? Oh, I know that, but you don't have to worry about that anymore, right? You're a free angel with a will of her own now, shouldn't you be worrying more about what happens next?"

"What...happens next?"

Kami nodded her head with enthusiasm as if she was about to lecture Sayu and spoke formally.

"Without Kami around, Creation is up for grabs, and by the way it looks, no other Kami is going to come around and help you out, timelines without a Creator tend to, disappear."

Sayu looked in a horrified manner at her but immediately shook her head.

"If that's true, every other timeline would disappear along with it! T-this is the original timeline so if we go, everything else goes with it!"

"Oooh, you got me there, well there is one Kami who is more than happy to take the position."

"W-what? Who?"

Kami hummed and spun around as she walked away happily.

"The one coming to kill yours of course."

That's all Sayu could handle as she reached towards Kami and gripped onto her arm as tightly as she could. This was not a situation she wanted to joke about, and she would do anything to figure out a way out of it, even if it meant turning on the Creator from another timeline.

Kami turned around with a surprised expression but only smiled and spoke calmly.

"What are you trying to do? There's no way you could hurt me wi-ouch! Ow!"

She flinched in pain feeling a bit taken aback as her eyes hovered in disbelief over Sayu.

"N-no that's not...oh...OH~!"

Sayu could feel her nails digging into Kami's skin. Small trickles of blood sprouted forth, dripping down her arm and into the ground.

"This is not funny! I don't care who you are or what future you see there has to be a way to save him. Creation can't survive without him, I...I can't survive.....I won't let him die and you're going to help me find a way to stop this!"

Kami only stared at her own blood flowing out from where Sayu's grip held her. She was in her all-powerful state yet she could still harm her, which only made her sneer and finally laugh at Sayu.

"You're a bit adorable you know that?"

"W-what?!" Sayu let go of Kami and pulled back feeling her face turning red from the weirdly timed compliment.

"I see, there's nothing to worry about assistant! I promise you everything will turn out okay."

"Huh...but you said he'll-"

"He will! But everything will turn out just fine, I was just teasing you, after all, you're very important in this whole plan."


Kami nodded her head and grabbed onto Sayu's arm. She began walking with a more than confused Sayu who was being dragged around forcefully like a doll.

"I can't tell you everything! This much should be enough to get the most optimal ending. Have you ever played choice-based games?"


"Well, if there is certain interactions or certain choices made during these games they lead to specific endings, doing anything else might lead to an undesired route."

" what you're saying is that as of right now...Kami won't die?"

"No~! Are you not listening? He'll die no matter what you choose."

"Then I still need to find a way to save him!"

Kami only winked and held tighter onto her arm. Her face closed up on Sayu's to the point that their cheeks were touching.

"Who said Kami dying is the ending? Can't you trust us? Have we ever let you down?"

Sayu coughed and mumbled.

"Multiple times actually..."

"Well, I promise you we won't let you down this time!"

She only sighed and looked at where she had previously held onto Kami's arm. The wounds inflicted by her nails where still there and it was even beginning to look bruised up. In all honesty, she had not expected to even be able to scratch her, so now that she thought about it, it was weird that she had actually made Kami bleed.

It was at that moment that an idea occurred to her, something she had not thought about until this moment. She looked over at Kami who was humming and spoke softly.

"You got it~"

Had she been trying to provoke Sayu this whole time just to get a reaction out of her. Was it her plan to get her to realize what she could truly do?

"Why didn't y-"

Kami lifted her finger and whispered.

"We share information among every Kami in the timelines, every Kami. Information we want blocked can easily be done if we try to hide it, your Kami knows that. I don't know anything and as far as helping you defeat him, I still don't."

Sayu felt her head begin hurting but only shook her head and thought about it more. If there was a way to stop this, it would have to be a way without Kami knowing, because as soon as he found out, the one coming to kill him would know as well.

"I-is that why he's not here, but you-"

She shook her head and stuck her tongue out.

"I can't, stop talking so much otherwise my thoughts will slip and he'll really know something is up."

With that Sayu looked ahead in silence and began formulating a plan. That's why Kami was so adamant about not telling them anything. Ignorance in this case was the best plan to overcome this incoming disaster.

A horn blowing suddenly snapped her out of her thought process as she looked around and noticed the inhabitants begin running towards their own homes. It seemed to get very lively suddenly as Kami looked around at the chaos forming and chanted.

"Oh, don't you have a tribe to defend or something?"

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