Chapter 74- Saving Grace

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Thief could only hear the crackling of flames as her eyes remained shut in fear of opening them. Her face remained buried between her arms, waiting for the beast to finish her off but nothing. It felt like an eternity before she could sense a presence near her, a presence she knew all too well.

"Kam-" she said, her eyes bursting open in excitement only to find someone completely different.

It wasn't Kami, at least, not the one she was expecting. A bright face, and two blue eyes gleamed back at her as Thief fell back on the ground and stared in shock.

"Y-you?! Wha-" Thief didn't get to finish her sentence as the girl in front of her placed her finger over her mouth and shushed her.

"Keep it down, the beast thinks it finished you off." she whispered.

Thief blinked in a moment of disarray as her eyes wandered around the area. All she could see were golden bright flames all around them, serving as a form of cover from the beast that had casted them. Her eyes stopped near the girl, and finally moved to the ground where a seemingly unconscious Circe laid across the floor, and the small Kami doll sat with its arms placed lightly over its spread out legs.

"D-did you save us?" Thief asked as low as she could whisper.

The girl simply nodded her head and smiled sweetly.

"I don't understand...what are you doing here? Where is Kami? Shouldn't you be... back in your own timeline thing or whatever? I really don't want to deal with this stuff right now, it's way over my head, ku ku." Thief whispered as her voice cracked under a panic.

"I think you're referring to me, from the future, I still haven't met you guys." Kami whispered back.


"Me, from the future. I haven't met you yet, she has, twice probably already, our timelines are running in a bit of a crossroad, that's not why I'm here though."

Thief could feel a headache coming in. She shook her head, deciding it was best to ignore anything that seemed to hard to understand and spoke.

"Why are you here then?"

"I'm just trying to keep everyone important alive while I'm here. I have to make sure everything doesn't deviate."


"Just know I'm here to keep you safe, okay~?" Kami replied with a delighted smile.

"Ku, if that's the case, get us out of here before the beast notices we're alive."

Kami pouted and shook her head which only made Thief feel shocked once again.

"W-what?! What do you mean no?!"

"Shhh, I said I'm here to keep you safe, not to take you somewhere safe."

"W-what's the difference?!"

Kami frowned as she pointed down at Circe and continued.

"You guys still have to get this Primal Beast under control, you can't leave yet."

"W-what?! Are you serious? That thing is strong enough to hurt me even with all that training we've been doing for weeks, and Circe is the only one who might have a shot at controlling it, but oh wait, she's unconscious, ku ku!"

Kami continued to frown as she murmured.

"You're a lot sassier than the Thief in my timeline, look you don't need Circe to control that thing."

"What are you talking about?"

Kami stared at her in silence before poking Thief roughly.

"Ow, what was that for?!"

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