Chapter 82- Ages Ago IV

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"Failure after failure, the redundancy of this is infuriating."

God stood amidst a room filled with floating celestial bodies. Each one with its own distinct feature and form. Many of them slowly drifted around God and the other figures who stood silently next to him.

"Perhaps this is a lost cause to begin with" God exasperated, his hands clasping around a smaller planet. The planet slowly crumbled beneath the force of his fist, exploding and turning into nothing but rubble among the other planets. "This is a hopeless cause."

Shi, stepped forward, clearing his throat and slowly placing his hand over God's shoulder as if to show support.

"You do know we didn't collect the souls from that planet you just blew up, right?

"Does it look like I care?" God asked with a cold expression, his eyes wandering over the room at its nearly infinite planets. "What's a couple of million souls lost to the void, especially such inferior ones."

"R-right, if you say so brother. I'll have my reapers take them just in case you change your mind."

Shi immediately vanished into thin air leaving only God and his sister in utter silence.

"Should you be allowing him to collect souls?" God's sister spoke up breaking the lingering stillness.

"What does it matter? I refuse to let them into Heaven, let Shi take the defective product."

"Defective or not, they hold celestial power from your own essence."


She shook her head and looked worriedly towards him.

"I'm completely behind you when it comes to getting rid of all these toys, but don't forget Shi is also one of them... if something as small as these souls can plague your domain, what could he do with all that power backing him up."

"Are you somehow suggesting Shi will turn out like the rest of them?" God turned around and faced his sister with a serious expression. His eyes seemed dull and lackluster, devoid of any light.

She only tighten her grip around her arms and held herself back.

For a long time now, God had been trying to implement free will onto the small little things he created. At first everything seem to go fine, the mortals went about their lives, listening to God's instructions, keeping themselves in line, but eventually things would go wrong. For one reason or another, they would always break from the routine and eventually their actions would turn to something displeasing in God's eyes. His next course of action would be to further press on more rules, to try and establish some control, and when that wouldn't work, he would try divine intervention. However for the most part, it was a hopeless cause, as time advanced forward, so would their misdeeds and transgressions. God, at first turning an eye towards his next project, soon found himself overwhelmed with a large number of failed projects. Everytime it wouldn't go as he wanted, she could she a little bit of the light in his eyes grow dimmer and dimmer.

For a while, it became amusing seeing what it was he did to them. Causing plagues, destruction, death, all sorts of punishments to cleanse them from his sight, as he would say. It would still be fun if it wasn't for one large thorn, Shi.

With such bountiful amount of defective souls being left behind after being completely wiped, God refused to allow them into his home, Heaven. Shi had stepped up at that point and volunteered on taking care of those souls, and simply holding onto them for God to decided what to do with them later on. God, not necessarily caring too much for them, agreed, and granted Shi his own Domain.

"You see what these toys do, don't you think Shi will do the same?"

"He is like us sister. His existence proves that others like us can be created. Just look at his energy as well, the essence of Death. I never even knew it was a thing before he came along."

"But you created it." she said with a long sigh." Besides that doesn't disprove my point."

"What would you have me do then? Kick him to the curve?" God asked with a dishearten tone.

"Erase him."


They both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds until she finally spoke again.

"Get rid of him, his existence means nothing to you or I."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm serious, all this...this that you've made!" she looked around at what looked to be disgust before turning her attention back to him. "It's pointless!"


"Yes, pointless! Don't you see that their...disgusting creatures. The realm you created is beautiful and filled with light and wonders, and these little parasites you make are just here to destroy it. Get rid of them all!"

God's eyes wandered around for a while, his distant expression showing he was lost in his own thoughts. Finally his cold gaze looked down at her as he spoke.

"What about you then?"


"Your presence is a result of me, without me, you wouldn't exist, you're essentially my creation, should I get rid of you as well?"

She felt a shiver down her spine as she felt God's words cut through her chest like a knife. The feeling of pain was something freshly knew to her, as she mostly felt it for God, but this pain was hers alone. Her eyes looked deeply into his own, hoping to find a hint of what used to be God in the past but saw nothing that she remembered.

"God t-this is different we-"

"-are siblings? Just like Shi and I? Why is your presence to me much more valuable to me than his? Don't you think in my eyes you and him are just as equally below me?"

She felt her mouth run dry and her throat began to burn. Her legs grew weak and her head began to spin.


"I suppose you're right though, all these creations have left a bad taste in my mouth, who's to say if you or Shi could turn on me...I need absolute control...perhaps free will is a error..."

God silently trailed off as he mumbled on his own thoughts.

All she could do is watch silently, her body in complete shock at how things were turning out.

Finally, he shook his head, and carefully glanced over.

"One more try, one more try and that's it. If you're right, consider your wish done, I will eliminate all of them, mortals, reapers, angels, Shi. I'll even start with you."

With that God vanished from the room, leaving only a single frozen figure in the middle of the vast room.

Her body couldn't react to what she had heard her mind still attempting to digest what had just happened. All that she felt now was a strong pain welling up her chest, and her face began to burn up. A small trail of tears streamed down her eyes as she blinked for the first time in what felt like an eternity of suffering.

She reached towards her face with trembling fingers as she felt the wet tears on her cheeks. The mortals had displayed this before, something she wasn't quite sure what it was when she had seen them do it. All she knew was that it came from an overwhelming emotion of sadness or hurt, something that made them uncomfortable. Never had she truly understood the concept and had scoffed at them for such actions that were 'beneath her'. Yet here she was, for the first time, experiencing the cold just like them.

Perhaps she was just as defective as humanity.

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