Chapter 73- Wild Beast of the West

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"Hyaaaaaah!!!! I knew it!!" Thief let out a yell as a blast of wind sent caught her unexpectedly.

Kam's doll alongside Thief where sent flying from the force of the attack only to end up rolling near the edge of the mountain.

"Nonononono!" she exclaimed as she quickly got back on her feet and held tightly onto the small doll summoning.

She gripped it tightly between her arms and ran around the borderline of the mountain cliff. Her eyes wandered frantically for the entrance where she had arrived from but no luck.

"I knew he would disappear at the last second, ku!!!"

Just a few hours ago, Kami had suddenly vanished into thin air while he was overlooking her training. It had happened without a notice and left Thief in a state of panic. She took the lead in the dysfunctional small party they had going on and decided it was best to press forward instead of staying in one place. The only thing that remained behind was Kami's small summoning and a less than thrilled Circe.

Her eyes shifted once more this time looking for the Wild Beast Tamer that should be facing the same situation since she had tagged along.


Nearing the center, a seemingly petrified young girl sat, her gaze fixed on the creature in front of her and her body shaking in fear.

Thief winced as the bull-like creature angrily inhaled and exhaled its breath over Circe's unmoving figure. She grabbed onto the small doll that she held onto and looked at it directly in it's beady eyes while maintaining her movement.

"Listen here you, I need you to distract that thing while I try to get Circe back on her feet, do you understand me?!"

The beady eye doll simply blinked a few times as it remained limb between the grip of her fingers.

It seemed unresponsive to any commands ever since Kami had left. Instead it simply followed Thief around and got knocked around with her without reacting to anything. The doll seemed as much lost as Thief is without Kami, so it was likely that without him, the doll wouldn't follow any orders.

"Ku, you're not being helpful here! Fine I'll think of so-"

The beast let out a roar, as it bared its fangs and raised its head onto the sky letting out another powerful current of wind that send Circe in the air.

She seemed incapable of responding as she landed on the ground, nearing the edge and rolled a few times before stopping. There was no response as all she did was lay there, now what seemed to be in an unconscious state.

"W-well she wasn't helpful at all!" Thief yelled out having resisted the flowing of wind against her.

She had been caught off guard the first time, but now there was no way she wouldn't stay alert at the creature's attacks.

It was enormous, towering over her easily many times over. It was a colossal being with the head of a lion and the body of a bull. Its characteristics were exaggerated, giving it much drearier look. It's glowing golden eyes hovered over Thief, like two suns glaring down. It's fangs and claws, sharper than any blade she had seen before dug easily through the ground it stepped on. Its mane swayed back and forth emanating a golden crimson light dispelling the darkness around them. The beasts body was layered in the same fashion that the mountain's lava flowed through the walls; veins of red and gold stretched all across the beast's body like a protective overcoat, giving it a tough looking exterior that was impenetrable. Every time it took a step, the mountain top would tremble and it would gleam brighter for a bit before returning to its original state. If you listen closely, you could hear the crackling of flames coming from the beast's fire-like mane.

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