Chapter 24- Take the Lead

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Kami  raised his sword at the creature that steadily moved closer to them,  it's unblinking gaze staring at Kami and his weapon. It clearly wanted  to attack but looked somewhat wary. The strange creature was being  careful not to underestimate Kami and was waiting for a demonstration of  his strength.

"Alright just have to remember, no skills. No Dat-"

Edona's voice trembled behind Kami her eyes closed shut in fear.

"It's a Lower Hybrid Wyvern. Native to the Zasshu  Union of Tyr, Darken Province, Desert Fronts and Draconian Empire.  General range Level of 20 to 35. Stats on average of 800 to 1300. 1.3%  c-chance of being a L-legendary, 1.7% Epic, 2.5% Rare, 94.5%  Common. R-reptilian Ancestry, L-lower Counter, Dominance of Draconian  Lineage, passives included b-but not limited. A-average h-height of 16  feet to-"

She  spoke as though she was reading information off quickly from a  textbook. Her voice trailed off after a few and she continued to curl  behind Kami like a helpless child.

Kami  raised his eyebrow surprised to hear her spouting so much detailed  information on one single enemy. Her knowledge on the creature was a bit  more extensive than the Data Skill would even say. He himself had vast  knowledge on monsters but it was only on monsters and creatures that  inhabited the Ducuria Kingdom and some outside its borders. This was new ground for him.

A  tight grip brought him back to his senses. He looked back and saw  Thief, clenching onto his arm. It trembled with fear but her face showed a strong resolve to fight.

"I can help,k-ku."

Kami  felt somewhat happy seeing Thief facing the overwhelming fear and  trying to be helpful. In truth, if this creature was as weak as Edona was making it sound, then he could easily swing the sword down on it and take it down. Thief was still shaken up from back then, so this might proof to be somewhat helpful experience for her.

"Alright  then, our skills are locked so we're going to have to depend on pure  physical strength here. Unfortunately, your setup is very skill  based..."

"I-is that s-supposed to help me?"

The  Wyvern lost its patience as it lunged at Kami and the seemingly  defenseless girls behind him. Kami was easily able to see the slow  movements of the monster opening its jaws, attempting to swallow them up  in one whole bite. He raised the hilt of his sword over his head  letting the blade drop onto the floor just in time for the Wyvern to  chomp down at him. The Wyvern let out a small groan of pain as the sword  became lodged between its mouth like a splinter. It edged back yelping,  swinging its head side to side attempting to remove the sword from  within.

Kami  smiled having taken no damage from the monster's attack what so ever.  This should buy him some time to setup Thief with a way to help if not  beat the monster in front of them. He had something in mind that might  just work out.

"Think it's time for a gear upgrade don't you Thief?"

"H-huh? Y-you mean my Arms? I-I'm not using t-t-t-those ESPECIALLY if you can't heal me afterwards, ku ku!"

True,  although he can easily use skills through this land's somewhat  restrictive rules, he had no intentions of breaking them. He had decided  to play along and restrain himself a bit but, even so, that wasn't the plan.

"I'm not talking about those. I got something a lot better."

Kami raised his chest in pride, somewhat reminiscent of Sayu's  typical behavior and raised his hand in a swift motion as a pair of  daggers appeared from thin air. He swiped at them grabbing the set and  tossing them over at Thief's feet.

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