Chapter 88- It Begins

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Kami's eyes gleamed for a flash of a second before a large notification appeared infront of him. He clicked on his tongue with a sense of annoyance as he read the stats from this all powerful being.

[Status Bar]

Name: God


EXP: 8634912 /10470000

Title: Omnipotent Ruler

Class: -

HP: 999,999+/999,999+

Stamina: 999,999+/999,999+

Mana: 999,999/999,999+

Strength: 999,999+

Endurance: 999,999+

Intelligence: 999,999+

Dexterity: 999,999+

Charisma: 999,999+

Wisdom: 999,999+

Seems even in this weakened state, he's pretty much tapped out in stats, guess it's a lucky thing there's a hard cap on them otherwise I don't think there's much of a chance; even so, this isn't too much better.

The thing that bothered Kami was the "+" on each of the stats, signifying that even though he was hard capped on them, there's a chance he would hit or defend for a larger amount, perhaps even take reduced damage simply because his power is being restricted to such a lower number.

Not like it matters, he can already kill us with one shot as it is, better make the first move then. No time to pull punches!


Kami's voiced echoed through the field with a loud boom. The air around them grew tense but the being known as God remained on his feet.

"You expect that to work on me? Weak."

It was impossible to tell, it left Kami stunned as he felt a strong presence appear next to him followed by his body forcefully thrown against the ground. He instantly recovered, jumping back on his feet and away from the figure that had easily swatted him down. God stood carelessly by, staring back at him with his arm outstretched from the punch he had done.

That's way too fast for my current speed! How much did I even take from that?!

[Status Bar]

Name: Kami


EXP: 8745/162000

Title: God of All/ Celestia's Omnipotent God

Class: God/?

HP: 495428/528000

Stamina: 528000/528000

Mana: 528000/528000

Strength: 528000

Endurance: 528000

Intelligence: 528000

Dexterity: 528000

Charisma: 61

Wisdom: 528000

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