Chapter 6- Planning Ahead

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It was the middle of the day before the carriage came to a halt. The desperate to stretch out group quickly made their way out of the carriage without a second thought.

The air was dry and the heat felt almost suffocating. Around them were nothing but large pillars and stones broken apart from nearby buildings. There was no signs of grass or trees anywhere within eyesight distance and the ground looked cracked underneath the weighing heat. The only sign of life were a few campsites that were set nearby.

Kami assumed they were from the two nations that were working together to investigate the remains of the fallen kingdom before them.

"S-shit this is really good weather for some work out!"

Hiromichi looked pleased with the weather as though it was the right fit for him.

"K-ku! Are you kidding?! I-I'm going to die of a heat stroke here,blegh!"

Thief stumbled around acting like she was about to faint from the blistering sun.

Kami and Sayu looked unaffected by the weather. It was neither too much or too little for them to handle.

Himari looked to be having some difficulty adjusting her breathing to the dry air but she was trying to play it off as to not seem weak. She noticed how easily Kami and Sayu were taking in the atmosphere and wanted to appear strong like them.

"I-It's fine by me" she mumbled.

It was strangely adorable in some way. Kami placed his hand on her head and patted her hair down.

There was an instant release of fresh air that surprised Himari. She took in a few deeps breaths and it just seemed to be nothing but cool wind. Although she could tell the weather had not changed somehow when she took in the air around her it felt refreshing.

She smiled at Kami and nodded her head giving him her thanks.

"Oho, so you all came along with Monsieur Kami. This was just a request for him. I assume he shall be paying you all from his own pocket?"

Sebastien casually strolled towards the unexpected group with his hands raised upwards.

Sayu shivered at the sight of him and Thief grasped onto her shoulders and looked at him with disgust.

"W-why are YOU here, k-ku!"

"This harsh treatment wounds me. Let's be professional, no? Kami, Hiromichi, you gentleman agree correct?"

"Hey man I ain't about to make enemies of the girls." Hiromichi shrugged throwing Sebastien further under the bus.

Sebastien looked at Kami as his last hoped, knowing that his decision would be the only one that makes the difference.

"I'm actually a bit hungry." bellowed Kami with a dumbfounded expression.

"M-monsieur, how could you?!"

They made their way through the small campsite with a few eyes glancing over their way. Most of the ones that did look were from the Fay Sovereignty, soldiers who had never seen Kami or his companions. They were awestruck at seeing the presence of a God walking among them like he was one of them. A few of them stopped doing what they were handling and stared or bowed out of respect. The Ducuria Kingdom guards, who happened to interact with Kami more than a few times had a friendlier expression to them and even waved when they saw him coming. There was definetly a different of attitude towards him from both sides.

Kami on the other hand was like a small child as he closely inspected the racial differences between humans and the Fairies. They were not what he had expected in terms of height. He believed they would be much smaller, almost capable of landing on one's shoulder like a firefly. Instead they were about the same stature as a normal human. They were mostly humanoid, two arms, two legs, nose, two eyes, stand up straight, all of it. From there, a few differences showed; for example, they had a pair of translucent wings that glimmered when the sunlight past through them. The colors and patterns differed from each one making them unique in their own way. Their eyes seemed similar to what his would be. They had a certain glow to them making them stand out more than your average human. Some of them even had different color patterns within the Iris of their eyes. Their hair, in contrast to the humans more darker pallet colors, like black, or brown, were more colorful and livider. When they walked, it felt almost like they were floating as a wave of glow followed them around. It was an interesting sight indeed for another race to be so alike, and different from humans at the same time.

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