Chapter 43- Returning

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Shi's face expression twisted in disappointment. He was sure he had shifted her will to the extreme, to the point where she could detest being near Kami yet she had picked Kami. In the worst-case scenario that he had imagined, she would have picked neither of them and he still would have come out on top but this was not how he had pictured it.

"This is not what I wanted." he groaned out loud.

Sayu slowly edged her way towards Kami as he happily stared.

He could feel his heart skip a beat, leaving him a bit breathless as he clung onto Sayu and laughed.

"Haha! I swear I saw like ten million different outcomes for this and I was still a nerve wreck that you would leave me."

"W-what?! N-no get off me! This doesn't change the fact that I hate you! I simply went with you because either way, it doesn't mean that what your brother is doing is right. Besides, a few people I consider friends are aligned with you so it would make it a bit awkward otherwise." she said feeling herself warm up.

"Yes yes, of course, I'll take it!" Kami said feeling ecstatic.

"D-don't look so happy about it! I still want to hit that face."

"You are more than welcome to." he replied just as happily.

Even though she said that she felt a bit of happiness at seeing Kami's reaction. It was still an underwhelming feeling to the now current hate she had for him but it was nice seeing Kami needing her for a change.

"What now then brother, guess you've won your archangel back."

Kami glanced over at Shi as he adjusted his shirt and cleared his throat.

"Well all actions must have a punishment Shi, yours is ofcourse coming."

"Hmph, not like I could stop you, what did you have in mind."

"Nothing too exact as of now, we continue playing the game, I'm aware you've...messed with the balance of this worlds nature in a few kingdoms."

"Heh, I'm freeing them from the mortality you gave them, they no longer have to fear death, they can embrace it and live for all eternity."

"You know as well that death doesn't mean that. It's just a way for you to raise your own power and try to overthrow Creation."

"One Universe? Like that could happen. Just tell me what's next so we can move this along Kami!"

Kami pondered for a second before raising his finger and smiling.

"We keep playing."


"We keep playing, but we're putting a few stops this time around. You can't continue on killing and conquering the inhabitants of this land, you can't mess with anyone's will anymore" he said glancing at both the Reaper and Marie who stood behind Shi quietly.

"This also means everyone you killed so far will be revived"

"So, you're putting me back in square one. I worked for what I achieved."

"Let's be honest, it was very light work. You are more than welcome to join the evil Gods you are already working alongside anyway; they can prove to be a useful bunch."

"Heh, it sounds like I'm playing your game more than the game itself, that a bit boring."

"Don't get it wrong, this is a punishment, even when we are done, the harm you caused here is real, you won't be going back to your usual position."

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