Chapter 55- Unraveling

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Her fingers wrapped around Kami's arms, her breathing becoming somewhat unstable as her eyes looked desperately searched for a clearer picture of Kami's face.


Sayu's voice was cut off by her inability to fully process what was happening. The words tried coming out but she only gasped at the feeling of her heart beating faster.

"Oh? That's an interesting reaction I sense. I figure as much..."

Kami's arms became undone from her waist and he slowly stepped back.

"Your essence resembles that of a mortal now, it would only make sense emotions have been heightened to their level. I still don't quite understand why but...maybe once I go through it..."

"Y-you did that just to test that out?!"

Sayu stepped back as she turned around and faced Kami directly. She found her eyes wanting to avoid his stare but she maintained enough of her own composure to face him head on. Her entire body was still shivering at feeling his embrace. It was like a mark that he had left on her and she couldn't remove it. It wasn't fading and was numbing any other emotion of hostility she had felt at first.

"Not necessarily." Kami sighed, his eyes moving around the forest.


"What do you want to hear?"

"Why did you..."

Once again, the words couldn't escape her mouth. The expression of the feelings that she felt right now couldn't come out right which only left her even more confused.

"Sayu, there you are, where the hell have you- Kami? Where the HELL have YOU been?!"

Hiromichi's loud obnoxious voice made Sayu jump a little as he walked towards Kami. He easily towered over him and might have looked threatening in comparison was it not for the fact that she already knew who could clearly beat the other.

"Hiromichi, haha, how are you enjoying the power up?"

"Don't avoid my questions! I asked where the hell did you go?!"

"Nowhere exactly, well, everywhere I suppose."

"Wanna talk properly there buddy?"

"Sorry, well don't worry to much about that, I'll be sticking around here for a while now so no need to worry!" Kami exclaimed happily.

Hiromichi grinned but instantly grabbed onto Kami in his usual angry presentation and yelled.

"What do you mean you'll be sticking around here for a while?!Shouldn't we be getting of this damn place and getting back to the Ducuria Kingdom."

"Ahhh, no, well, yes, but no. We should focus on getting the Primal Beas-"

"Why the hell do we need that thing now with this ring you gave me?! Couldn't you just make a couple more of these bad boys and we'll just have whatever you have planned ready?!"

"Well...yeah but..."

"Then what the hell man?!"

Kami stared at Hiromichi with his usual dumbfound expression as his head dangled back and forth before he raised his hand and spoke.

"I just want you to control a cool giant monster..."


"Is it so hard to just listen to me for once?"

"Everytime we listen to you we end up in some shit?! Why are we all separated and not in the Ducuria Kingdom right now?!"

"Because we were looking for your memories, is that not what you wanted?"

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