Chapter 65- Defending

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"Dammit, shut up for a second!"

Tenaya and Hiromichi found themselves sitting on the ground of the tribe's Chief tent. They were on a elevated platform facing the opening, giving them a decent view of the people walking around outside. There was a couple of torches lined awfully close for comfort on the ends of the camp but somehow the flames never touched the material. Behind them was a canvas displaying the Primal Beast, Talbadak towering over field of trees and beasts.

"Why the hell am I here again?"

"Hngh, trust me I would have picked one of the other two had I known you were going to be a pain."

"Why didn't you then?"

"Sayu is too busy tailing Kami around, too distracted in her own world, and I've only exchanged a few words with Kami. It also doesn't help that he's a god."

"Why not?"

Tenaya sighed and groaned from the pain of having to deal with this situation.

Almost to the same exact date Hiromichi and Sayu had appeared in the Wild Lands, Smallest Kingdom, Talbadak had become awfully active. This activity had led the giant Primal Beast to cross certain thresholds it hadn't done before. It moved forth and crushed everything in its path, leading very little behind. This would have not been so much of a problem, had the Primal Beast not decided to trample over fellow tribes near the vicinity. In doing so, it was brought to the attention of the remaining tribes that there was something plaguing their peaceful way of life, and was upsetting Talbadak. Unfortunately, they had learned of the presence of the "outsiders" and they began blaming their tribe, Cestus Uk'naui, for keeping them around. As per formality, the Chiefs of the intact tribes demanded to speak with the Chieftain of the Cestus Uk'naui tribe, which meant her, before escalating the situation and causing friction between them.

However, Tenaya knew full well that the only acceptable course of action they would accept is to get rid of these outsiders.

"Just be quiet, I'm hoping to make a case here in your favor. As much as I would love to see you executed, I'm going to argue against it." Tenaya grinned mischievously towards Hiromichi.

"Heh, they can sure try to kill me, but we both know they'll never succeed." Hiromichi grinned in return.

"You are way too confident; you might not know this young pup, but there's ways to take down an overwhelming enemy in this world even with such a large strength difference."

"Stop calling me a young pup already! You're younger than me why the hell are YOU acting so cocky!" retorted an annoyed Hiromichi.


A much raspier voice interrupted them as they saw a large well-built man enter the tent. His stature easily reached the top of the campsite without much trouble. He didn't wear a top of any sort, which left a tattooed tan skin revealed for them to obeserve. His age was reflected in the graying out hair that was tied neatly behind him and his battle experience could be seen from the large gapping scars left in multiple parts of his abdomen. When he walked forward, there was a slight limp to his right leg that was slightly noticeable. Despite his large overwhelming appearance, his rough face seemed almost joyful at seeing Tenaya as she could barely contain her happiness.

"Am I interrupting something little one?"

She wanted to run up and hug the large man but composed herself. She was the Chieftain and wanted to appear like it. Her only reaction was a simple nod and a more than gentle smile.

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