Chapter 79- Ages Ago I

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Where did it all go wrong? It's been eons since I've thought about it. Kami had always wanted to share his power. What drove him to think this was a good idea, I still can't figure it out. Even though now we share the same body, the same mind, the same heart and soul, why things had to be this way I'll never know.

Back then, ages ago, the world was darkness, a complete and utter void where we existed. It was always enough for me back then; I didn't need anything or anyone else. I could have been content with the way things were going for all of eternity, but not him.

"You want to what?"

"Create something, you know, MAKE a... what should I call it...a thing, an object. No, a living creature, like you and I."

I stared with a puzzle expression. Half of what he said went over my head, the concept of the words being spoken eluded my current knowledge. His figure stood tall over the dark empty void, the only source of what he called, light. He illuminated through this world which was my domain, radiating a source of power that completely enthralled me.

"You want to what?"

"Create, it's really funny it came to me look."

He crossed his legs as though he was sitting on a visible ground and with his fingers began to draw out something in the air. His finger gleamed with a bright light leaving a trail of gleaming little orbs for a few moments before they dissipated into nothing.

"What was that?!" I asked completely mesmerized.

"I wanted to call them, bulb glows, what do you think?"

I carefully looked into the darkness where the small little lights had been before I mumbled under my breath.

"How about stars?"

"Stars? Hmmm, yeah, I like how that sounds, stars. This isn't what I was talking about though, look I think we can make something similar to us, another... being that could rival us, stand next to us, something to call a brother or sister."

Those words again. Brother, sister, a relationship, an invisible, untouchable connection of kin between two distinct beings, is what he said to me many times. I simply repeated what he had said, without much thought or idea what he was going on about.

"Why would we need that?"

"Well, to have others to form connections with."

"For what purpose?"

"To, well, not be so alone."

Alone, the act of being by yourself, not having someone of significance with you, the idea of being unique, unequaled to anyone else. Again, words, too many words. I racked my brain, back and forth, attempting to understand what he meant, what he wanted to do. I finally looked him in the eyes and spoke.

"You are, alone?"

"...No, I mean...yes, but no. I have you."

I felt my being filled with a joy at hearing that, but at the same time I could tell it wasn't what I wanted to hear exactly.



"What are you looking for?"

He looked startled but I could tell he lost himself in his thoughts at the question. His eyes always looked as though he was far away, thinking, coming up with new ideas and concepts, always wanting more from this domain. Part of me sympathized after years of trying to understand. If it had not been for him, I would have never even been conscious, his existence completed my own, and slowly, he taught me every little thing he came up with. However, this was new, whatever he was planning was a bit out of the ordinary.

God's an Adventurer: Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now