Please, DO NOT Read, DON'T Do It

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You like that title? Naughty little readers what are you doing here, it says DO NOT read. It's called a click bait or something. You might be wandering, "What's this greek god, this perfect specimen of a man, have to say today, why doesn't he just upload more chapter instead of this crap?". Well I am here to tell you that, you're 100% right, I should be uploading a new chapter, but since I'm not, there's a few things I wanted to regurgitate in your beautiful little ears.

First off, per my usual starting point, I want to thank everyone that has been reading my book and has continued to show support and even criticize it. I want the bad with the good and vice versa. If I feel you have a point about the story, weaker points or the state of the book, I will take it into consideration and try to make adjustments. It's all part of putting an idea out into the internet and although this does not mean I agree with everything, it does mean some of you are entitle to your opinion and I can respect that. That kind of brings me to my second point.

I'm not,exactly, 100% satisfied with the state of my Volume II. I honestly wasn't going to bring it up until after I finished it and moved onto Volume III( yes that's a thing still) but I felt it was right to say it now only cause by the time I finish THIS one I might explode. Point two is is a little long so sit back, grab yourself a drink, maybe a light snack, turn on that smooth jazz and enjoy the ride my younglings.

Where to start, really, where? Volume II in my opinion is really weak in comparison two my first Volume I. This isn't because of reader numbers or because of votes or that, I could care less about that. I would honestly rather have a small amount of readers that are consistent than a large group of...what do they call them? People who kinda just, drift around, jumping from thing to thing not really sticking around for anything. Whatever, the reason why I am unsatisfied with this current book is mostly my fault. For my first volume I planned things out a bit more. I kind of sat down, figured out a rough draft of where I wanted the book to end and small details I wanted to put in, and overall, I was satisfied with the way it is. This is not to say I wouldn't go back, change things up, give it that overhaul look, you know, add a few things here and there, remove stuff, yada yada.

This book though, has been a bit more of a wild rollercoaster for me. There was so much I wanted to put into this ONE Volume before I finished it off and moved onto III that even before I was even close to finishing it, I threw in too much stuff. Kind of feels like a bad hangover, when you wake up and remember all the stupid crap you did last night and are just kind of like "I got to get my shit together, why did I do all that?". Honestly this simile is strange to me I hate drinking.

Volume II, I feel like it was badly paced, jumped back and forth too much between things, and I AM STILL UNHAPPY with my vocabulary! There wasn't much structure and half the time I was tripping over what to write about next because there was too many plot points I wanted to put in. A few of you did mention this kind of thing in the comments and at the time I was trying to shrug it off and keep going but at the end of the day, it caught up. This is not saying that I hate it, and that it's getting canned or anything. If anything, at some point I would like to go back and rewrite the whole damn thing with a bit more structure. I did so many plot points that I didn't really get to write about anything, just tossed around stuff and left it hanging.

Personally, this is why I am not satisfied with the book in its current state. I will keep writing down on it, as it is now, finish it off and sit down for a while and take a breather. I know very full well where I want the story to go and I have many of the details and plots already in my head floating around for when the time comes. However, going into Volume III I want to write things a bit more fluid and less chaotic unlike this one.

The reason why I wanted to leave this for the end of the book was because it just seemed like a better time to write this down than as of right now. I feel like I not only disappointed myself with this volume but you the readers. I just couldn't hold it in any longer, I had to express myself to yall and seek validation. That's what we do here right, seek approval? Anyway, I am happy that there are still those of you that are enjoying it and reading it, this truly does *ahem* put a smile on my face but I want you to know deserve better baby, you truly do. Again, I will keep writing chapters on this volume, and try to finish it off as quickly as possible in its sloppy state. From there I will probably take some time, sit down, figure out exactly what I'm doing, get some BIG BRAIN thoughts in, MAYBE improve my damn vocab cause seriously, ew. Like, ew. Then we'll be back after that, with the VOLUME III boys and boyettes!

I hope I didn't bore you too much with this quick essay and hope to continue to provide a somewhat readable experience. At the end of the day, this is my story and I want to present it in a nice way not just for you readers but for myself. Even if you guys say its fine, I know I can do better and I will do better. Thank you all my doods!

"Boiling hot water with melted cheese, there are those that seek to bring chaos to our world with such ideas." - Corinthians 24: 3 The Meme Edition Inst. 1933

God's an Adventurer: Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now