Chapter 8- An Invitation

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"-Incredibly irresponsible!"

Laurrels voice finally made it through my head as I snapped out of my trance like state and stared up at him.

We were in a large tent setup for the convenience of having a royal around. No one else was here except Laurrel and myself.

I turned my gaze up at him and pouted.

'I just-'

His fingers grasped into my shoulders. There was a pain that came with his tight grip that made me flinch. His stare grew darker, his eyes turning visible red with furry.

"If you die in this body what happens to you?"

'W-what are you talking about?'

He seemed frustrated at this response and released his grip. He sighed and paced around the tent for a while mumbling to himself.

I know I snuck out but was it that bad? Laurrel has always been overprotective...

"This isn't working, something has gone wrong ever since you took over that body, I have to pull you out."

Took over this body? Wait...not yet I need more time...but who am I? No, that's...

I felt like there was something important I kept forgetting. Something I should know about myself.

"It's possible that your essence is being absorbed into this mortal. After all, can nothing exist alongside something without disappearing."

'You're over exaggerating Lucifer'

Lucifer? That name was...

Laurrels expression turned frigid as he walked up to me once more and grabbed my shoulder again.

"You do remember then? Why have you been playing me like this?!"

'L-laurrel you're hurting me stop!'

Oi, Ivory, not now. Why did I refer to myself in third-person?

I should explain. I probably should but it's complicated. Actually, it's not. Easy really, I needed to hide my presence from Kami, unlike Shi, who is nothing but a doing of Kami's Creation, I am on the same scale as him. If we were to meet, face to face, even if I was to change it, he would recognize me instantly. Our powers are complete opposites, even with my new-found Creation abilities. Taking over a body isn't enough either, I needed something a little more extreme. So, I bonded the core of my being to this mortal's soul, wrapped myself and mixed with it. There was a problem that arose from this though something that only really happened to someone like me, someone who was on the complete opposite spectrum of Kami's little toys.

Am I Ivory?

It was a struggle of identity, a side effect of my efforts but not a challenge. Memories flooding in of a childhood that wasn't mine, thoughts of someone else that invaded my own. Feelings, goals, dreams, challenges all invaders and unwanted guests. Or is the invader the girl, the one who seeks to pursue Kami, to be by his side even if in different form, the one who came from Heaven after her waiting took no fruit and decided to step into the game?

In the end though, I am both and none of these, for now. Still, my goal is clear, why I am here, is clear, the reason why I selected Ivory is clear, our connection, our need to pursue Kami, even if in different ways, would keep my head clear enough to see this through. After all, all that's left of her, will vanish into my essence, sooner or later. With it though, my cover, and I would have to find someone else to become.

'Souls are incredibly resilient, even as my being wraps and bonds itself around her, it's barely affecting it. Little brother made them quiet sturdy.'

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