Chapter 33- Decisions, Decisions

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Circe  groaned uncomfortably; feeling the press of someone's fingertip against  her cheek. Her eyelids slowly opened and noticed a few blurred faces  hovering over her. She instantly sat up but felt a wave of tiredness  wash over her. Her body felt heavy and numb and she could barely keep  herself from falling back down.

" am..I?" she mumbled. Her tongue felt tied and her throat was severely dry.

Kami who had been closely paying attention to Circe talk while unconscious smiled and continued to poke her.

"Oh good, you're awake. I thought I might have to wake you up but it seems you're up and ready to go on your own."

His voice ringed in her head as she swung back and forth dazed.

"Whaaat's, happening to meee?"

"Celerity Rush,  a Stamina based heal. It could be taken as something similar to high  speed regeneration but it can even restart your heart and mind after  death. It's got a downfall of course, the graver the healing, the bigger  the toll on your body once it's done. In your case, you'll probably be  feeling this way for a few hours, a day or two at max.Maybe expended a bit of your lifespan but no biggie, a few weeks or months less won't matter compared to being dead as it is."

Circe  wanted to react angrily, or even hit the voice of the person who spoke  so casually in front of her about her death like it was nothing but she  couldn't muster any strength. The world had stopped spinning but the  toll of which Kami spoke of was still dragging her down.

Two other figures stood next to Kami, staring at the barely functional girl. Edona adjusted her glasses and wrote down a few notes on a notebook she carried on her arm.

"F-fascinating! She was on the verge of death and you managed to heal her right back up! I have so many questions about your abilities and that key you showed me!"

"I do seem to do that a lot in this world..."

"Ku, why did you even have to bother and save her she was going for the kill after all!"

Circe  heard them go back and forth talking among themselves. Her head began  pounding from the level of noise as though she was waking up from a bad  hang over.

"D-damn could you all shut the hell up for a second...."

Kami nodded his head and promptly signaled everyone to move back.

"We'll  be over here while you recover for a bit, we got some stuff to talk  about, don't try and run away, if you can." Kami smiled happily at his  own remark as Circe groaned at his comment.

They  moved over to the side as to give her a bit of breathing room. She  wouldn't be going anywhere in this condition, but she could at least  recover her senses at first before Kami started dropping a bunch of questions.

Edona furiously wrote on her notes before glancing back at Kami.

"What  was that key? Can you cast both mana and stamina-based skills at will?  Is your Unique Stat something you acquired after my earlier notes of the  Ducuria Kingdom or did you never reveal it? Approximately what is the stamina consu-"

"Whoa, Edona settle down one question at a time,please." Kami interrupted dumbfounded.

"Y-yes, well first then. What is the key?" she eagerly awaited with pencil in hand for his response.

Kami took the small key from his pocket and casually waved it in front of her face.

"It's your answer to many questions and more, but for now we should focus on getting-"

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