Intermission 1?

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{Audience Applause}

MC: Thank you, thank you everyone and welcome to another exciting segment of, Ask Your Favorite Author. Tonight, by no choice of our own we got some special, someone that has been here before, ladies and gentlemen, Prinny!

{Audience Applause once more as a small penguin makes his way towards sitting on stage}

Prinny: Hey, good to be back everyone!

MC: Haha, I bet it is. Well Prinny good to have you back! So, tell me, how are you doing?

Prinny: Great, great, I'm felling fantastic, dood!

MC: That's great!

Prinny: Yeah, great.

MC: Great.

Prinny: Yup.

{Small silence of awkward interaction between the host and Prinny leaving the crowd dumbfounded}

MC: Well, let's see here, how about we go into a couple of questions a few people out there might be curious to know answers to!

Prinny: T-that sounds... great.

{Silent coughing from the crowd as MC flips through the pages}

MC: Here's one; some fans have been speculating that because of your recent uploading schedule with Chapters, you've somehow either lost interest in writing any more, or that you are running out of ideas, what's your response to your readers?

Prinny: Ummm, well let's see; I was for a little while taking a break, but this wasn't due to any ummm, loss of interest in my story or because I had run out of ideas. I don't want to go into details but the long story short is, I was gaming...alot, still am.

MC: I see, so your bad schedule is due to your inability to take some responsibility, excellent response.

Prinny: W-well I mean-

MC: How long do you plan to keep writing this story? As a reader myself, I have read some of your off chapters and took into note the idea of a Volume III being written in there. Is that some sort of hint to how long you plan to write this out?

Prinny: Yes well, this is supposing I don't write 200 chapters in this one book. I believe this story should conclude somewhere within that number but it could be a little higher or lower, depends really.

MC: I see, outside of this novel what are your future plans as a *coughs* "author"?

Prinny: W-well I'm obviously focused on this for now. I do have another story in mind, something that might be a little more to Wattapads taste of readers, a Harem of sorts.

MC: Wattpad.

Prinny: Excuse me?

MC: You said Wattapad, it's Wattpad.

Prinny: Oh yes well funny story about that I call it...Wattapad. Umm it was while I was talking to my sist-

MC: A little less popular and known to people, you've had your Female Version Kami alternative stories. Some might say its just the same plot with a girl Kami written in for the sake of having one, responses?

Prinny: Glad you mentioned that! You see, the female version story of Kami, although less popular, is something I'm just as happy to be writing. The plot although generally will follow some of the same events, is also vastly going to end up being different!

MC: How so?

Prinny: Well for example, this female version of Kami is not shy about her true nature, this leads to certain events unfolding differently and perhaps different outcomes. Say, the male alternate to Sayu, is a lot more loving to mortality than our Archangel beauty as well as more affectionate to Kami in a different aspect, and that may or may not lead to certain things going differently.

MC: These are really small in scale, anything you can tell us that will definitely be different?

Prinny: That would be spoilers.

MC: Sounds like you're just coming up with excuses.

{Awkward exchange of silence between the Host and Kami once again}

MC: Well we have just enough time for a question from the crowd, let's see, you there, raising your hand with a little too much enthusiasm!


Prinny: Haha, thank you, what the question?

Reader: Yes, okay, so WHO is getting with who? I've read this story back and forth and I just want to know who's going to jump who at the end. I'm mostly a fan of KamixAll myself but OBVIOUSLY you're the writer.

Prinny: Oh, I'm sorry, I uh, I can't really say there will be anyone being shipped. I had stated before Kami's not really-

{Booing from Crowd}

MC: Is that not just the most sackiest of shit response someone could give.

Prinny: W-wait now hold on a minute, I never said I couldn't consider it b-but for now I'm not trying to establish a shipfest, dood.

MC: Go on.

Prinny:...There's really nothing I can say about th-

{Booing from Crowd Continues}

Prinny: H-hey this is borderline harassment dood...

MC: Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Ask Your Favorite Author. We hope you join us once more in the future for another segment, good night!

Prinny: Freaking...readers and their...ships....

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