Chapter 100- God of All

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Perhaps there was somewhere far off in this land he could go. Somewhere uninhabitable where he could take some time off and live somewhere in calm tranquility. Maybe start a happy little farm somewhere and grow some crops, meld in with the commoners. Shi sneered at the stupid ideas, knowing full we he was just going to go and conquer some other land now.

He walked slowly down the road, surrounded by nothing but nature and the ever blue sky. There was something going out there from what he could tell. A few minutes ago the sky had been completely covered in a display of celestial bodie.. Before that, a large explosion far in the distance could be seen, and the earth beneath him had trembled violently before returning to normality. He had assumed that there was some miniscule tussle between Kami and God Who would come on top, who could say?

His eyes drift from side to side, as the continuous lines of trees entranced him. He let out a whistle and continued his walk down the road. There wasn't anywhere in mind he particularly had set to go. Wandering around until he found his next victims seemed just as fun. Kami definetly had the right idea when it came to taking a break, this was much more fun than what he normally would do.

"Is this what you really think?"

A voice caught his attention, making him turn his body in one quick movement, ready to take on any incoming attack. However, it was just a woman, standing there, her luscious white hair swaying from side to side as the wind intertwined with it. Her gleaming white eyes were fixed on him, and despite their glowing blissful appearance, there was a hint of a dead stare directed his way. Surprisingly, this was the least noticeable of her appearance, since her glowing demeanor lit up the area around them despite it being day.

Shi could only imagine this was a god from this universe, presenting herself infront of him for some reason.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Shi asked indifferently. He wasn't about to act impressed by the appearance of a lower ranking god in the grand scheme of things.

She in response, gave a light bow and smiled feebly. "It's been a while Shi."

He arced his eyebrows curiously. "Do we know each other?"

"We do. I am Goddess Iatra."

Her? Well, he was familiar with some of the gods in this world, among them, she was the top dog for one of the two factions of gods that exist in this world. What did she want with him? More importantly, he was sure they never met before this point.

"I've heard the name; I can't say we've met before though."

"That's surprising, Kami recognized who I was instantly." she added, her head tilting curiously.


His mind wandered for a while. He eyed the girl for a while before shrugging and chuckling. "Look I'm a busy being, can I help you with something? Otherwise I think I'll be on my way."

She looked silently at Shi and then her eyes dropped to the side as if avoiding his gaze. There was a sad demeanor about the way she stood there but he had no patienece for this.

Shi just sneered and turned around resuming his walk. "Well that's that then."

"Kami is dead."

He froze in place and shifted his stare back at the girl. "Oh? So, he's in my domain again. Wonder how long it'll take him before he gets out this time. Three days last time was it? He did just stick around to hang out but I'll take the points."

She frowned at him and shook his head. "No, he's not just dead, his existence has been wiped."

Shi felt a shiver run down his spine. Could it really be true? Was Kami far more than just dead now? This wasn't possible, was it?

"I'm...sorry can you say that again..."


So it was true, how could this have happened? Was it because of him? This was part of his plan after all, but he never really thought that it would work

Shi placed his hand over his mouth, containing the emotions that swept him at that moment.

"So..even the Ruler of Death feels sadness, this is-"

He chuckled; his laughter barely being contained by the palm of his hand. "I'm sorry, sadness you say? This is, fantastic!"

Iatra closed her eyes, visible frustration in her face but she held it back. "Your kin just died and you're happy?"

"Ah well, I loved the guy but come on, look around." he said raising his hands to the side. "Creation still standing without him, for all that talk about how it'll go down if he goes away, its still here."

She sighed and continued. "That's partially why I'm here."


"Creation won' last long like this."


"The further parts of Creation have already began crumbling, without his power keeping structure, they're falling apart."

"Those fluffy feather birds up in Heaven will handle it. That is why Kami made Heaven, to make sure Creation stands once he's gone." Shi mocked with a grin.

"The angels...aren't disciplined enough to know how to control the power of Heaven." she mumbled her gaze avoiding his again.

Shi's grinned stood on his face as he raised his hand and wiggled his finger at her. "You're not from here. You know a little too much about the world outside this universe."

"The point is, we need someone... we need someone similarly on par with Kami... someone of the same thread to... direct Heaven." she finished half-heartedly.

This was a dream, for sure. Here he was, standing in the middle of nowhere, with the offer of a lifetime. His smile couldn't reflect the joy he was feeling at the moment, but it was only for a while before it vanished. "It sounds too good to be true, the angels wouldn't just accept me, heck, I doubt Heaven itself would accept me."

She bit her lip, clearly something he said struck a nerve.

Shi once more grinned and spoke. "Oh? Do you have something to say?"

"Heaven... I'm... willing to accept a new ruler. A real ruler." she mumbled with discontent.

Her? What did he need from her?

His eyes brighten the dots finally connecting as he burst out laughing. "This is too good to be true! Iatra, Goddess Iatra, ruler of Celestia, the one opposing this worlds Calamity, is Heaven, what an interesting reveal, wow. Here she is too, standing before me, asking someone she knows will completely turn Creation into his playground. Do you understand what you're submitting to?"

She lowered her head, and spoke softly enough for the words to barely be hearable. "Creation will continue living...even if in death, it is better than them being erased from existence because of a selfish idea that only Kami can rule."

Shi wiped at his eye, "Touching, how selfless, but I'm glad you see my point now, Death is just another way of living. What about Sayu and the other little angels prowling around up there, the ones that will rebel?"

Iatra looked as though she was ready to give in to despair, her hands clenched. "Sayu has her own role now in helping Creation stay afloat, as for any rebel angel that goes against your do as you see fit."

Shi clapped his hands, slowly inching towards her. "Excellent, I am, awfully pleased right now. Well this turned out much better for me than I intended, how about we shake on it and make it official."

His hand extended towards her. There was silence, the wind simply blowing against them, but eventually she raised her own trembling hand and shook his own.

A small notification appeared in front of Shi that made him much happier than anything else in the world.

[Title Brother-Complex Entity Removed]

[Title God of All Added]

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