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Monday 6:30 a.m.

"Uugghhh shut the fuck uuppppp!" I groaned as the continuous ringing sounded throughout my whole room.

I grabbed my phone to stop the alarm.

"Wait what the fuck?" I mumbled to myself. "This ain't my phone."

Fuck. Jah probably took my phone by accident because I have his. He already left last night after 5..intense...hours.

Anyway! I need to give him his phone and I need to get mine back. Ugh. I feel so fucking dizzy and shit.

I stumbled into my bathroom and leaned over the toilet. I held my hair back and spilt my fucking guts out.

I've never thrown up this much! I swear to god imma kill Nick. I feel drained of my energy..

"Miiiccchhhaaaeelllll!!" I yelled out leaning against the wall.

"Yea?" He said walking into my room rubbing his eyes.

"Do you have pills for vomiting?"

"To vomit or to stop vomiting?"

"Why the fuck would I want to vomit on purpose?" I said looking at him like he's stupid.

"I don't know. Maybe X's cum doesn't taste good."

"What the fuck Trippie."

"Aye I'm just saying." He said with his hands up.

"Do you or do you not."

"Yes, but I'm not gonna give them to you."

"And why the hell not?"

"Because I don't think you're sick." He shrugged.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I said gettin up and brushing my teeth.

"I think you're pregnant."

I almost choked. "What makes you think I'm pregnant!?"

"You're dizzy? You're throwing up? You get headaches? You have crazy mood swings."

"Nigga fuck you! You a crazy bitch. I can't be pregnant."

"What did I say? Crazy mood swings."

"Get the fuck out of my face." I shooed him away.

"This my god damn hou-"

I glared at him.

"Okay bye." He rushed out.

Am I actually pregnant? No. I can't be. We don't use protection...holy shit I might be actually pregnant.

"Wait!" I called out.


"C-Can you take me to buy a-a test?" I asked nervously.

"I'll go buy you one. You can stay here and puke ya' brains out. Deal with ya' irresponsible decision." He snickered.

"Fuck You." I managed to say as I gagged and threw up again in the toilet.

Please god..let me not be pregnant.

I wiped my mouth and rinsed it again. I walked back to my bed lazily. I threw myself onto the bed and grabbed Jahseh's phone.

He added me to the thumbprint list a long as time ago.

I just sent him a quick text saying 'hey it's Kilani, just to let you know I have your phone and I think you have mine.'

Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go through his phone.

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