O N E H U N D R E D - S E V E N T E E N

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"I'm viral nigga! I'm back with another video." I laughed into the camera. "For the past 2 days, Kat and Ski have been staying here. Of course, there's no problem with that. We love them!"

"You fuckin better love me, Kila." Kat rolled her eyes. She kept her hand on her stomach.

"Baby momma is moody but its okay because I know she'll be excited for this prank we're gonna pull on X and Ski."

Jamal jumped onto Kat's lap and laid on his back. She brushed his hair.

"In case, you don't know who she is. She's Ski Mask The Slump God's girlfriend and shes 8 months pregnant. Now, if you don't know who Ski Mask The Slump God is, he's xxxtentacion's best friend. AND if you don't know who X is then, leave my channel because you probably dont know me either." I chuckled. "Im kidding. If you know us or don't, its okay just enjoy the video."

"New fans are always welcomed."

"And that's on peace and positivity. Anyways, like I said, Kat is 8 months pregnant. We're gonna prank X and Ski like if Kats water broke. This is Ski's first kid and X wasn't here when I gave birth to my son, so its safe to say they'll most likely freak the fuck out."

In this story, ski doesnt have a kid yet. Im not disrespecting his actual kid or the mother of his daughter.

Shes honestly so cute 🥺

"Bro deadass, its the best prank you came up with. Im down."

"You just gotta get jiggy with it."

"Stupid bitch." She shook her head and laughed.

"No! Momma!" Jamal pointed at me.

"Dats right! My name Momma!"


I giggled. "X and Ski are downstairs being their normal goofy selves. They're pretty distracted so they won't expect this." I turned to Kat. "So you need to go distract them so I can put the camera in the kitchen."

She huffed and slowly stood up, making Jamal slump down on the bed. "Bet."

I carried him off the bed and put him on his feet. "Go follow ya auntie, bubba. Make sure she dont fall."

He nodded and stumbled out behind her.

I grabbed the camera and hid it with kitchen towels so I walk into downstairs without looking suspicious.

"Where's Ski?" Kat mumbled. She sounded like she was in discomfort.

Oop, we got an actor in the house.

"Hes changing in the bathroom. Kat, you good?"

I walked downstairs to see Jah carry Jamal.

"No... I-I don't know if shes kicking but it hurts so much."

"Sit down." He said leading her to the couch.

"What's going on?" I walked into the kitchen and hid the camera next to the microwave so it got a good shot of the living room and kitchen.

I grabbed a water bottle.

"Kat doesn't feel well. Vro!" Jah said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Nigga what?"

"Hurry up, Kat doesn't feel well."

He opened the door and looked around for Kat. "Bae, whats wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

She shook her head. "Just get me some juice, please."

Ski nodded and walked into the kitchen.

I sat down next to Kat and hugged her, to comfort her. "Jah can you please go get me my phone."

He nodded and handed me Jamal.

"Baby, mama?" He pointed to Kat's stomach.

"Yeah bubba. Its a baby." I quickly poked a hole in the cap and handed to Kat.

She spilled some on her pants, making sure not to make Ski notice.

"Like sistterr?" He poked my stomach gently.

I nodded and kissed his forehead.

Sora and Roxas came running back inside with mud all over them. They ran so fast, they rolled on the floor on top of each other.

Jamal started dying laughing.

I just washed these floors yo..

"Get back outside." He ordered them.

They barked and ran back outside.

"FUCK! STOKE!" Kat yelled as we heard water fall onto the floor.

When I tell you Stoke ran so fast, fast like Jahseh, lighting fucking fast. Like this nigga could run 100 mil- okay I'll stop.

"Oh shit. My fucking floors!" Jah shouted.

"Shut the fuck up!" Kat yelled out."Call the fucking ambulance!"

"Oww! Fuck!" Kat screamed in pain.

"Wait..are you actually going into labor..?"

"Yes bitch! Uuuaahhh!!! Fuck!!" She laid back into Ski's arms. "Stoke, pleaassee take me to the hospital!"

My eyes widened. "Call the ambulance! This was supposed to be a prank!"

They looked at me in disbelief.

"Kat this not funny no more."


Jah ran and grabbed Ski's keys. "Go!"

Ski carried Kat and felt around his pockets. "Kila, you comin?!"

"I'll go right now and bring everything. I'll take the baby bag and yalls phones. Just go now!"

Kat whimpered as Ski helped her get into the car.

Jamal started crying from all the yelling and shielded his face onto my shoulder. I rubbed his back and soothed him. "Bubba, its okay.."

"Mamaaa!!" He cried louder.

Jah kissed his head. "C'mon munch."

Jamal threw himself into Jahsehs arms and sniffled, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm gonna get dressed and call Kat's mom and Ski's too. I'll get the baby bag, the diapers and extra clothes for both of them."

He nodded while walking to the kitchen to make Jamal a bottle.

"I'm so sorry you cant be there for him Jah."

Hes been talking to Ski about how he wants to be there for his Vro when he gets to meet his first child.

Ski was there for his. He thought he owed him something but ski understands. Jah's on probation and house arrest.

Jahseh just overthinks a lot. Ski still loves him and always will.

"If I didn't fuck up my life, I could've been there."

"If you didnt fUcK uP your life, Jamal wouldnt be here and neither would I."

He sighed and cradled Jamal to feed him his bottle.

"Jahseh, he knows you would've been there if you could. He understands! Dont be so hard on yourself. You should be happy! Jamal can have a lil friend now."

He smiled a little. "Go and give them they stuff. But facetime me once you get there."

"Of course!"

KILANI // J.O.Where stories live. Discover now