O N E H U N D R E D * T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Hey, I hope y'all don't hate me when I end this book. I like unexpected shit. And being sad really is the only way I can be happy, so I apologize for never really having a happy ending in any of my books.

Pls don't hate me.

I fluttered my eyes open as my phone rung. I sighed. I answered it. "Hello?"

"Pendeja, buenos días."

"Ay, estaba dormida, Mikaela." I sat up softly. I held my stomach. "Pues no me vas a creer-"

"Espérame, me voy a sentar." She shuffled around.



"Volví con el padre de mis hijos. Y! Espérame, Y, estoy embarazada con gemelas."

"Perra! Lo hiciste dos veces?! MA!"

"Sí, dile a tu mamá. No tengo vergüenza. Me divertí haciendo a mis hijas." I laughed.


"Kila?" Jahseh mumbled.

I turned and played with hair. "Its my cousin." I spoke with an accent.

He smirked. "That's sexy as fuck."

"Al rato te llamo-" I giggled as Jahseh kissed all on my neck. "Bye-bye."

I heard her groan. "Ta bueno. Bye grosera." She laughed a little and hung up.

He gripped my chin and kissed me. "What time is it?"

"Early." A voice spoke in the room.

I froze and so did Jahseh.

"You are so stupid, you know that?"

"Who's there!?" I reached for my phone. I used to have this place filled with hidden guns everywhere. This intruder would've been dead the second she stepped close enough.

"Call anybody and I'll make sure your kid never wakes up. I'm holding him right now. He's beautiful. He has his father's eyes."

My breathing stuttered. Excuse me!?

If I wasn't pregnant, I'd beat this lil hoes ass.

My fucking baby.

"What do you want? Money? I'll give you everything." Jahseh spoke, his voice trembling.

"But I want you, Jah." She walked into our room.

I fucking knew I wasn't crazy.

"Fuck Geneva. What are you doing!? Please give me my son!" Jahseh cried.

"NO! You both are going to listen to me. RIGHT NOW IS MY TIME TO EXPLAIN. I worked so hard to get to this point! 2 fucking years. I went through problems here and there, but I got here." She laughed. "I can take care of this hoe ass bitch." She aimed a gun at me.

I couldn't help but stare. Death really is fucking scary.

I sobbed. I just want my son. "I understand every single piece of hatred you have towards me, but you cannot take this out on my son. Please. Just give him to us."

"Genva, don't shoot. You can walk away completely. I'll give you money. I'll give you enough to last you your whole life. You can just put the gun down." Jahseh shielded me.

"Thats the problem, Jahseh. Its not about my happiness. Its about ours. These kids aren't shit. The ones she's caring mean nothing. If they're gone, you'll come back to me. That was the whole plan!" She bounced Jamal in her arms. "I worked with the grandma. Your grandma to be specific." She nodded at me. "She was awesome. She planned this out. Something about you being the reason your mom is dead?" Geneva furrowed her brows. "You're a fucked up daughter."

It wasn't my fault my mom died. I love my mom. My mom is the center of my fucking world. I fucked up my younger years dealing with the pain of her being gone, but I kept breathing for her! I would never harm my mom.

"She said your dad went to look for you and got into a fight with your mom. Guess who ended up dead? Mommy dearest, right? Ugh, but your grandma sucked up to you. She was having 'second thoughts'. Like is she fucking stupid? She can't back out of a murder plan. So I killed her and staged her death." She said, waving the gun around. "I had help with that too. Uhh... Noah is his name, right? He thought we were just gonna jump Jahseh."

I clutched my stomach to protect myself. I kept givng my phone a side eye. I need to call the police.

"I would never let that happen so I told him the truth! He pussied out! Nobody around here wants the same shit, I'm telling you. So then! I tried again with the brotheerrr. Thank your grandma for that tunnel of communication. Now the brother wanted the saaammee shit i wanted, but he just got caught. He said you put his dad in jail."

"You're making no sense. Please just leave us alone. We won't say shit." Jahseh tried to get her to comply.

"No! You don't get it! I just want you!"

"Okay.. Okay.." He slowly walked over to Geneva. "I'll go with you. Where ever you want to go."

She eyed him. "That easily?"

Jahseh nodded. "Yes. Because I love you. I don't love them. Its just me and you, okay?"

She fired the gun, aiming close to his leg. "Do you think im stupid!? I know what the fuck you're doing. I'm crazily in love not dumb."

Jahseh shouted."Fuck! Get the fuck out! HELP! HELP!" He tried to scream for the neighbors.

"Shut the fuck up or I aim at the kid."

I closed my eyes as tears streamed down my face. Please be a nightmare. Please be a nightmare.

Please don't be real.

It can't end like this.

All of a sudden? Just out of no where? Death is so unfair. Death only comes for the ones who look for peace.

"The real reason you don't love me anymore is because you actually love this bitch. I didn't want to believe it, but its really obvious. Even if I do kill this one-" she pointed the gun to Jamal. "-Or those two." She pointed at my stomach. "You'll just make more babies to fill the void. I gotta kill her and the kids. Maybe you won't come back to me, but at least I caused pain to you, the way you did to me. You broke my heart."

"If you move on from this, you will most definitely find someone worthy. Please just walk away. Don't turn back. We have a life together. We have a fucking future. My kids are defenseless. We cannot die like this. Please."

She shook her head. "Kilani, really bruh. Just shut the fuck up."

A ringing sound filled my ears..

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