E I G H T Y - T H R E E

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This is just a filler.

"Okay we're all packed." Jah sighed stuffing the last box in the moving truck.

I just finished blocking Geneva from all accounts possible.

"Momma. I hungry." Jamal babbled.

I picked him up. "Okay baby, we'll go buy you a kids meal, yeah?"

He cheered and laid his head on my shoulder. "But momma where we going?"

"We're going to a new house bubba."


"Because. Just because, okay?"

He shrugged and played with my hair.

"C'mon Sora." Jah clapped his hands to call Sora.

Sora came running into the car. He plopped down next to Jamal's car seat, which was in the middle.

They're in the g wagon.

I laid Jamal on his feet in the car and he climbed into his car seat.

I stood back and looked at our house for one last time. Shiit...there was a lot of good times here.

Maybe Deerfield beach will be safer....


"Mmm, baby, I don't understand this. You're changing, I can't stand it. My heart can't take this damage. And the way I feel, can't stand it. Mmm, baby, I don't understand this." Jahseh sung lowly as he fixed his dreads to fit his cap.

"New song?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm working on it, but it really ain't my first priority right now. I'm focusing on making y'all feel good."

"You don't have to do that. Jah your fans need new music. We moved to a new house. That's as safe as I can feel."

"It's just a lot to take in." He huffed. "Like, that girl was my first love. That girl was my first everything. Her love was just toxic. I didn't even see it because i was so in love. But now I'm happy. I have a family with a woman I know is good for me and she decides to come back into my life by stalking us and threatening you? That don't sit well with me."

"It's over now. She's not just gonna move to Deerfield to follow us. I think we'd notice."

"I just want you guys to feel secure. Y'all mean the world to me."

"Baby, we're fine."

"Ayo X! You trynna play pong?" Craig said walking into our room

"Nigga its ping pong."

"Y'all bought a ping pong table?" I laughed.

"Aye it was a welcome to a new home gift." He defended.

"Y'all weird." I shook my head laughing. "Where's Jamal?"

"He's chilling with Tank."

Jah nodded and walked out of the room. Craig stayed behind and looked at me. "Look." He pulled out a fucking ALLIGATOR. 

"What the fuck! Get that shit outta here!" I nearly yelled.

He threw it at me. I jumped back and busted my ass on the floor. It fell on my stomach.


"CRAIG YOU ASSHOLE!" I threw it back at him.

"Go scare Jah." He laughed walking out, throwing it back.

I shook my head, laughing too. I went ahead and took a quick shower. It felt so nice to relax. This shower is so much bigger than our other one.

It has a bench and everything.

Imagine what me and Jah can do in here. Sigh.

ANYWAYS, I changed and wore a 'Mickey dagger mouse' shirt. It said 'don't kill your friends kids' in the back. I had on black biker shorts and socks with my Gucci slides.

I grabbed the fake alligator and and walked into the living room. Craig and Jah were starting to play.

Tank was sitting on the couch with Jamal on his lap. They were playing on the PS4.

I snickered and began recording.

He kept playing.

Craig nodded towards me.

Jah looked at me then my camera. He just stared at me confused and then saw the alligator. He cocked head back and pushed it away with the ping pong paddle.

I giggled and threw it at him.

He flailed his arms and jumped back. "What the fuck!"

"Craig gave it to me!" I laughed.

Jah threw the paddle at him, which he dodged.

I'm good at cup pong idc what anyone say ✋🏽😔

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