T W E N T Y - T W O

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^^^I love him 😪❤️❤️

"Fuck..how are you so.." Lucas panted out not even finishing his sentence.

Yes, I just had sex with him. Shut up leave me alone.

"So what?" I whispered smiling. To be honest I don't even had sex a lot but apparently I 'fuck like a professional' or something like that.

"I'm just glad you came. To my house, I mean." He clarified.

I giggled. "I needed a distraction. My whole life is confusing right now." I rubbed my head.

"You'll be aight. There's no doubt in my mind that this shit won't resolve itself." He shrugged and got up looking at his phone.

"When's the party again?"

"Starting in about 30 minutes."

"Oh shit." I jumped out of the bed and quickly put on my clothes.

"Where's the fire?"

"Bro I wanna look good." I smirked in the mirror.

"You always look good though." He bit his lip.

"Boy, you gonna bite yo' lip off."

"Wel-" my ringing phone interrupted him. Thank god. He just catching feelings or something.

It's Stokeley.


"Kilani where you at?"
"I'm at Lucas's? Why?"
"No reason, we just didn't know you left."
"I'm going with him to the rapper thing."
"Oh okay." I heard some background noises. Somebody is breaking shit.
"Everything good?"
"Yea, Uh, Just X throwing a tantrum. I gotta go."


Then he hung up for no reason.

"Everything Aight?" Lucas asked looking in the mirror and fixing his shirt.

"Yea. They just wanted to know if I'm good. I jus' left randomly." I shrugged it off and continued my makeup.

"Hey my brotha outside. Imma go open the door for him." He said and I nodded.

"Hey man. Hey Danielle."

My head shot up. Does this nigga know Danielle's crazy ass boyfriend? Is that even Danielle? Oh my god.

I got up and walked downstairs. No doubt, it's them. That fuck nigga that helped that bitch cheat on my best friend.

"Awe Hell nah."

"What are you doing here, kilani." She seemed nervous.

"Well obviously I came to hang out with Lucas." I rolled my eyes.

"I remember you. You're the one that beat Danielle's ass." He laughed.

I may hate this bitch but damn what kind of nigga laughs at his girlfriend?

"Why you laughing? I could take you too, the fuck." I mean mugged him and walked to the kitchen.

Then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Danielle.

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