O N E H U N D R E D - E I G H T E E N

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"YEAH!" Jah laughed. "Yeah! Oh my!" He spoke into his Mic in his weird voice.

"So how is Amoy?" I asked Kat over the phone.

Kat gave birth early this morning. They were just so happy! I facetimed Jahseh so he could see Kat and Ski's daughter but the nurses were taking too long.

And I needed to get home. But her name makes me smile.

Amoy Cleo Goulbourne.

Fucking precious vroo.

"Shes okay. They said shes breathing fine. Shes eating fine. She weighs 6 pounds. Shes perfectly healthy. But they won't let us see her."

I fixed my arm around Jamal's sleepy self. "Have you asked? If shes healthy, there's no reason for them to hide her."

"I did ask and they told me, they were running tests."

"NIGGA tests for what? You want me to pull up?"

Jah rubbed my legs as he talked to Dontai. "You look like a marvel supervillian."

He wanted me to stay. I already know.

"Its fine. My auntie is just walking in. Hi Cleo!" She mumbled away from the phone. "I'll ask her about it. You stay with Jahseh. We both know how he gets."

I nodded even though she couldnt see me. "And ski? Hows he doing?"

"Tired and impatient. He's irritated cause we both wanna hold our daughter. His mom can't come cause shes at work so hes by my side right now."

"So y'all just chilling?" I played with Jamals hair.

"Yeah. Hang on a second." She pulled away from the phone..

"Bro what the fuck! I'm a black bitch! I'm a black bitch!"

I tried to crawl off the bed so I can go into Jamal's room to put him in his crib and maybe stay there since Jahseh's playing fortnite with Dontai.

He looked at me made a motion that he'll zip his lips.

I shook my head. "Its fine. I'll just lay Jamal and come back." I mouthed.

He shook his head no.

I sighed and laid back down.

"Kila you still there?"

"Yeah. What happened?" I asked.

"I just told Cleo whats going on and she went to go talk to the nurse."

"Ouuu be careful with momma Cleo. You know she dont play when it comes to her kids." I giggled.

Jamal hummed in his sleep, signaling he was waking up.

I laid him on his back and jumped off the bed to go get him a diaper and a new bottle.

"Oh my baby!" She cooed. "Lemme flip the camera on facetime!"

 "Lemme flip the camera on facetime!"

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