N I N E T Y - S I X

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"Fuck nigga Fuck nigga!" Jah yelled as he played some game with tank.

Currently, I'm chilling with Erica in her room.

"So what's wrong with you?" She asked.

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

"Somethings got you on edge. I can tell. Something on your mind?"

I shook my head. "Nah. You some therapist?" I chuckled.

"I can just read people. It's kind of a super power." She pretended to flip her hair.

"Ah okay. I've underestimated you." I squinted my eyes at her before chuckling again. "There is something, but I shouldn't make it a big deal."

Jamal came running into the room. "Mama! Dada said bad word!"

"He's weird, bubba." I lifted him up onto my lap and hugged him.

"What's going on?" She asked as she made little faces at Jamal which made him giggle.

"I think I'm pregnant."

She gasped. "Wait, are you for real?" I nodded. "You're gonna gave a baby?"

Jamal gasped too. "Mommy, you're gonna have a brober for me!?"

My eyes widended and I covered his mouth. "Bubba hush!"

He cheered loudly which only sounded muffled.

"Jamal, be quiet....it's a surprise for daddy okay?"

He nodded and jumped off the bed, stumbling away again.

I shook my head. "They said I'm infertile but I'm having pregnancy symptoms. I don't know what to do and I can't let Jahseh know. If Im not pregnant he'll be disappointed because he had hope. He always has."

She smacked her teeth. "Girl, why you ain't let me know. I've got a test around here." She got up and looked through her dresser.

"Why do you have a pregnancy test just laying around in your house?"

She giggled. "Just because tank got a new bitch, don't mean we don't still fuck around."

I scrunched up my face. "Ewwww..."

She grabbed a little cardboard box and opened it, giving me a test. "Here you go. You can use the restroom down the hall."

"Thank you." I stuffed the test down my bra and headed towards the restroom.

"Aye baby! Come gimme a kiss!" Jah shouted looking at me from over the couch.

"Nah go kiss that chick Sara."

"Mmtch! It was a joookkeeeee!!"

I rolled my eyes and giggled, walking towards him. I climbed onto his lap and pulled on his choker chain. "A'ight here's your kiss."

I gave him his passionate kiss and walked my little ass into the restroom. He smacked my ass as I walked away.

I took a deep breath and got myself ready to take that test.

I did what i had to and sighed, setting it down on sink counter. I sat down on the edge of the tub, waiting for the results.

"M-MAAMAAA!" I heard Jamal cry.

Yo my motherly instincts kicked in. I ran so fast out that bathroom.

"Baby boy whats wrong?!" I ran to Jahseh who was carrying a crying Jamal.

"His little ass tripped and fell. Hes fine." Jah kissed Jamal's cheek. "You're okay, Munch. You're okay." He wiped his tears.

Jamal nodded at Jah. "Baby okay, dada?"

"Yeah, you're okay. If you fall again, just get back up and continue like nothing. Thats not goin stop you from doing you, right?"

Jamal nodded.

"Aight, now go play." He put him down and he ran away after the kids.

"You're a good dad." I cheesed.

Jah turned to me and smiled. "I want him to have what i didn't." He shrugged.

I pecked Jah's lips. "I might have a surprise for you later."

He raised an eyebrow. "Beettt."

I walked back to the restroom and froze when i realized the door was locked.

"Oh tank's in there." Jah said as he got back to his game.

My heart raised. If he sees that test, he'll say something to Jah. I dont want him to know yet.

"Bae cmere. You just got out the restroom? You okay?"

I nodded. "Im fine." I went to go sit next to him. "My stomach be hurting."

"Arent you supposed to start yo period next week?"

I nodded again. "Sum like that."

"Thats prolly why." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Imma teach you how to play fortnite."

"Dont we already have that game at the house?"

He nodded as he hit someone with a pickaxe.

"Bro you suck at that game!"

"Stop playing wit me. Im fucking amazing."

"Yo who's is this?" Tank asked walking out of the restroom.

I kept my shit together and looked at him. "What?"

"This pregnancy test?"

Erica came out of her room.

"Oop. Tank you finna be a daddy?" Jah joked.

Tank rolled his eyes.

Erica raised an eyebrow. "Are you?"

"This shit say negative." Tank threw it in the trash.

I felt hurt. Really fucking hurt. I knew it was going to say negative but fuck i would've been so happy to know there was a chance.

"What's wrong, mamas?" Jah furrowed his brows. Yeah they were starting to grow back.

"She told me that if i was pregnant, id give her 600$. If i wasnt, she owes me 600$." Erica covered for me.

Jah laughed and pulled me close. "We can make a run for it if you don't wanna pay her." He whispered.

I cracked a smile. "Lets go."

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