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^^^ Mans really had some big ass hands 👀😩

How old are y'all?



A couple days later...

"My poor baby.." I cooed as Jamal sneezed.

"The doctor said he has the flu." Jahseh spoke into his phone. "N-..I-...Lemme speak! We're not sick. It's just Jamal."

I kept him laying on my stomach, rubbing his back.

Baby boy has been coughing and sneezing. When I try to feed him a bottle he cries a little because I'm guessing he has a throat infection too..

I'm so sad because Jahseh has to leave for tour tomorrow and we won't be able to go if Jamal's sick. Something about a risk.

"I don't fucking care! He's my son!" He shouted. "B- interrupt me another fucking time bruh, I swear. Lemme fuckin talk! He's a baby! He's about to be 7 months old and imma be on tour for how long? I'm not leaving my kid!"

I sighed. He's arguing with his manager. "Jahseh just let it go. He's not gonna allow it."

"He better fucking allow it."

I snapped my fingers. "Jahseh give me the phone." He side eyed me and handed me the phone. "It's okay. We understand. There won't be anymore arguing." And I hung up.

He's not risking the whole tour just for us.

"Why'd you do that?!" He snatched back his phone.

"Cause if you keep arguing, they could cancel ya' tour. I know you don't want that."

"But I want y'all with me!" He whined.

"Jah, you can FaceTime me everyday. It'll be fine."

He groaned in annoyance. "Who's gonna stay with y'all? What if something happens?"

"Jahseh, I know you. You're finna get a whole bunch of anxiety just by thinking bout us. My grandma's gonna be with us. We'll be fine."

He dropped down onto the floor and laid on his back. "I don't wanna go no more."

"You sound like a child."

"You know I have to get up at 4 a.m?"

"I'm well aware." I mumbled as I played with Jamal's hair.

"Maybe we could..you know.. before I go?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You really wanna have sex? Our sick child has been laying on my chest practically all day."

"I don't care. That jit is my cu-"

"Okay, shut yo' gross ass up." I chuckled. "Lemme put him to bed first."

He jumped up excitedly and ran upstairs like an anime character.

I rolled my eyes at his weird ass and carried Jamal into the kitchen, grabbing a already pre-prepared bottle. I quickly warmed it up.

KILANI // J.O.Where stories live. Discover now