N I N E T Y - F O U R

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I feel like y'all getting bored of this book😕

"Slow the fuck down! Yo tell me whats going on!" Jah yelled over the phone. I could hear his car zooming so I knew he was driving over the speed limit.

"Just get home. Now. Please!"

"Stop trippin. You got me out here ready to spazz out bruh. You and Jamal good? You got me bent if a nigga find out yo' brother touch you. That nigga goin run me my fade."

I shook my head as I kept Jamal next to me on my bed. "Just hurry up."

"I'm pullin up outside."

I hung up the phone and lifted Jamal onto my chest. He was asleep. I'm panicking. I shouldn't even be afraid. What the fuck is Geneva goin do? Jump me?

I just can't help but have a bad feeling.

If I'm pregnant, I have to think about my kids. I can't bear them getting hurt. I heard the alarm beep signaling the front door opened.


"I'm upstairs."

He jogged up the stairs and came into the room and held his arms out. "What's goin on?"

I patted Jamal's back to keep him asleep. "I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't want to be here in Deerfield. I don't want to be in Florida."

He sighed and sat down next to me. "Why? You have to let me know if I gotta slump a nigga out."

I rubbed my eyes and looked at him. "While I was with my brother." I shook my head. "He got a message. I was being nosy and looked at it. It was a message from Geneva."

He shook his head. "You cappin?"

"No, i swear. The message said if he got me to trust him yet and to stick to the plan. They'll get what they both want."

"So she sent your brother to come get you to trust him? Baby, she's delusional! She believes I'm still in love with her. She just can take the hint that I'm in love with you."

"Jah, you don't understand!"

He laid down and wrapped his arm around us. "We can't just leave. I can hire security. I can call the police on that crazy bitch for you, shawty. Just tell me what I can do to make you feel safe."

"I don't know, Jahseh. I- I just want her to leave us alone! Fuck! What can't she understand?!" I literally started bawling out of frustration.

Jamal woke up and started crying too.

I sat up and cradled him. "I just want you and your daddy safe, bubba. I want all of us safe. I just want a normal fucking life. Jesus Christ! My life has sucked ass, bro. I got a kid now! I just want everything to be fine."

Jah sighed and scratched his head. "All these niggas pussy. If your brother pull up, I'll throw some hands with him a'ight? Will that make my queen feel better?" He lifted my chin.

I smacked his hand away. "Stop playing! Geneva's stalking us, bro. This ain't no joke."

He chuckled. "She's not gonna shoot up the house. Bae. Relax, mama. I'm here with you.."

Then the door dinged.

Jah raised his eyebrows playfully and jogged downstairs.

I sniffled and followed him down. I carried Jamal on my hip.

"Who is it?!" Jah yelled.

"Uh...My name is Ángel? I'm looking for Kilani?"

He yanked open the door and threw a jab at him.

Ángel jumped. "¡Que mierda! ¡Ey, no seas tan hostil! ¡Solo quiero ver a mi hermana!" (What the fuck. Hey, don't be so hostile. I just want to see my sister.)


I handed Jamal to Jah and stood in front of Ángel. "No te acerques a mí otra vez. No te voy a disparar en este momento porque tengo a mi hijo aquí. No puedo creer que casi confié en ti. Eres una rata sucia. Si te vuelvo a ver, me aseguraré de que nunca volverás a ver otro día." (Don't ever come near me again. I'm not goin shoot you dead now because my sons here. I can't believe I almost trusted you. You're a dirty ass rat. If I see you again, I'll make sure you never see another day.)

He stared at me in disbelief. "¡¿De qué estás hablando?! ¡Solo quería hablar contigo!" (What are you talking about. I only wanted to talk to you.

"¡Vi tus mensajes con esa puta loca!" I shouted at him. (I saw your messages with that crazy bitch)

By now, the neighbors were starting to come out. Jah was just watching closely in case Ángel jumped at me or something.

Ángel furrowed his brows and threw his phone at me. "Revisa mi teléfono. No tengo a nadie enviándome mensajes!" (Check my phone. I have nobody sending me recent messages.)

I unlocked his phone and looked through his shit...what? I couldn't find it.. I looked up at him. Does he think I'm fucking stupid? I'm not delusional.

I threw the phone towards the street where a passing car crushed it. I took out my gun from my waist band and aimed it at him.

Jah was laughing. Ah he's crazy. I love it.

The neighbors were freaking out though.

"Vete o usaré la intrusión como una excusa para dispararte en la cabeza." (go away or I'll use trespassing as an excuse to shoot you in the head.)

"Jódete." He said before he jumped inside his car and drove away. (Fuck you)

I stormed inside and slammed the door. "I can't trust nobody in this world." I shook my head.

He smacked his teeth, making Jamal mimic him. "What bout me, shawty? I'll be here for a lifetime."

I huffed in relief. Let's hope Ángel doesn't come back. Let's hope Geneva don't try anything.

I forgot all about what my plans were for today but shit I'm tired and emotional.

"I'm going to go take a nap." I kissed Jah's and Jamal's cheek.

"Wait for us."

KILANI // J.O.Where stories live. Discover now