T H I R T Y - O N E

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I'm sorry for all the time skips 😰 I'm just really anxious to get to the next chapters of this story.

This whole chapter go'n be a lil crazy so hang on.


~ a month later ~

"Aye kilani! I'm finna go get some snacks, Aight?!" Ski yelled from downstairs.

"Mkay!" I screamed back.

I didn't want to get up right now. I felt terrible. My back hurts. My feet hurt. My stomach hurts. Ion know what that means but it do.

I heard ski's car pull away. I was totally alone in the house.

I'm just gonna go take a shower.

Our restroom has like a little bench inside. Thank fucking god. I don't think I can stand right now.

I undressed myself and stepped inside, letting the water run down my body.

Pain struck me hard. I let out a loud scream. I quickly shut off the water and limped out onto the bed.

Then the pain stopped. Something's wrong.

I slipped on the closest clothes to me. I shrieked as another wave of pain hit me...then, I felt water.

"OH FUCK!" I screamed even though nobody was home. My water just broke.

I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.


"911, what's your emergency?"
"Yes, I'm pregnant. My water just broke and nobody is home right now." I tried not to freak out.
"What's the address ma'am."
"Address 9876."
"We'll send an ambulance right away. Keep taking deep breaths ma'am. Call us back if there is a problem."
"Please hurry."
"An ambulance is a mile away."
"Thank you."
"Call back if they're not there yet or if there is something wrong."


I took deep breaths. I can't believe I'm about to have a baby.

I carefully walked downstairs. I could hear my phone blowing up but, I could also hear the ambulance pull up.

The paramedics stormed in and helped me get into a bed as they took my into the ambulance.

"Ma'am is there anybody we can all?" One guys asked me.

"Yes. My, Uh, brother."

KILANI // J.O.Where stories live. Discover now