I Trusted You... Part 4

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I walked into the psychology class I was visiting with a friend at Harvard, I didn't have a class scheduled this hour but I was hoping to find one and my friend recommended this one.

She said since I was going to be a lawyer I could use psychology in proving my clients were innocent, so I decided to give it a try, or at least sit in for today and see what it was like.

I followed her into the room and sat next to her and another one of my friends.

The lecture started.

"So yesterday I gave you all a movie villain so you could debunk the psychology behind their behavior... Which one of you wants to share what you found?" The professor asked.

The class was silent and he picked a random villain from his list that he handed out.

"Who had Voldemort?" He asked.

A guy a a few rows ahead of us raised his hand.

"Why don't you share what you found." The professor said.

"I uh, didn't find much... He's a real ugly dude though." The guy said.

The class laughed and I scoffed, why'd he even take this class if he wasn't going to try.

"Alright, does anyone else know about Voldemort?" There was no answer.

A girl near the front raised her hand.

"Yes." He said, nodding for her to continue.

"He's a megalomaniac." She said.

The professor looked impressed.

"Would you mind telling the rest of the class what a megalomanic is?" He asked her.

She nodded and he motioned her to the front of the class.

She got up and walked to the front and instantly I was in love with her.

She had gorgeous blue eyes and golden brown hair that flowed to the middle of her back, her eyes were deep, warm, and welcoming and when she smiled at the class I only saw it targeted at me, that smile made my heart race and my stomach flop inside me with butterflies. I had to know her name.

I pulled her aside after class and she was just as gorgeous as she looked with her personality. She was kind and she looked at me like there was no one else around, giving me her full attention.

As I got to know her I felt like I'd known her for years. I asked her to be my girlfriend after I got drunk and she brought me home from a party, I hadn't even remembered I asked her until she dropped by the next morning and reminded me, knowing I'd probably forgotten.

I'd met her parents and she'd met mine, along with her meeting Dean and me meeting her little brother Camryn who was six years younger than she was.

Things got more serious and I even serenaded her out in the hallway of her dorm room after our first fight, she'd laughed at that but cried too at the large note cards I let her read, telling her how sorry I was.

We moved in together and I was there when her mother passed from cancer and when her little brother graduated from high school.

My family loved her and so did I, I asked her to marry me at dinner after our graduation and she said yes.

We got married and had three kids together, two boys and one girl.

I grew old with her, never leaving her side and never wanting anyone else but her.

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