Love You Forever...: Part 3

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Sam was getting drunk, but he knew I was the designated driver and I knew he could use a little drinking to forget about the things that were troubling him, the people who died from the Apocalypse world by Michael, and all the struggle we were going through to find Nick and our worry about Jack.

"Ugh, I need something stronger... What about you?" Sam asked, his voice a tiny bit slurred.

"You know I can handle something much stronger, I'm just here to keep you from completely over drinking." I said.

He shrugged as he looked at me, "That's true." He said through small laugh.

I smiled at that and ordered us two stronger drinks with whisky.

The bartended looked at us, she was concerned at how on the verge of drunk Sam already was and worried that I was just as drunk since I'd been drinking just as much if not more than he had and he could hold his drinks.

I waved a hand at seeing her concern.

"Don't worry, I'm the designated driver." I said.

"But you've been drinking more than he has." She said, concerned.

"I can hold my liquor." I smiled.

She seemed impressed at that, not seeing any sign of me being drunk. I smiled to myself as she got us the drinks we asked for, it took a lot more than this to get me drunk.

Sam put a hand on my knee as he took his drink I just ordered for him and took a long drink, setting it down on the bar as I sipped mine, looking at him.

"You know what?" Sam asked, looking at me.

"What?" I asked, he was for sure drunk now, but even when he was I would listen to him, he was a cute drunk.

"I should help you get back at Dean again, like a prank..." Sam said, clearing his throat as he moved his hand up my skirt and to my thigh, leaning closer to me.

"Yeah, and what's a good prank?" I asked.

"We could, uh... I just had it... I can't remember..." He paused, downing the rest of his drink and setting the glass on the bar.

"Wow, you're pretty." He sighed as he looked at me.

I laughed softly and leaned forward, kissing him on the head as he scratched his head mindlessly.

"Thank you, handsome." I said.

"Should we go back home now?" I asked.

He pointed to my drink.

"You haven't even finished yours yet... Chug it, chug it, chug it." Sam said, chanting softly as I laughed and shrugged, putting the glass to my lips and downing the whole glass, it had no affect on me like I knew it would.

Sam clapped his hands and I stood up, tipping the bartender as I left a twenty on the counter, a good tip for a nice place like this, and took Sam's arm as he leaned back in his chair.

He stood up with my help and pointed to the money on the counter I'd set down for the bartenders tip.

"You forgot your money." He said drunkenly, reaching for it.

"No, that's hers, I'm giving it to her." I said, sliding the bill across the counter to the bartender.

Sam nodded, "Oh." He said.

I helped him out the door and put my arm in his as I helped him to the car.

"It's cold out here... Do you need my jacket?" He asked, stopping to take off his suit jacket as I lead him to the car and as he stopped I kept going, almost tripping as the brick wall that he was stopped so abruptly.

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