I'll Fix This...: Part 1

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(Thanks again to mariahmaxwell3 for this story idea!)

Dean POV

Jae was sitting in the passengers seat of the Impala next to me. Sam was at the bunker with Cas and Jack, the shot he took to the calf still healing, but it was almost completely healed now, just a little uncomfortable for him. We hadn't figured out any way to drop the deal I made to the demon yet. I hadn't wanted to barter Sam's soul, but the demon wouldn't take just mine, so I had no choice.

Jae and I were on a case, chasing some bastard monster all over creation as we tracked it from town to town.

"So this thing makes you freak out, see things that scare you...?" I asked.

"Yeah, like Scarecrow from Batman Begins. But it doesn't have to be things that scare you, it can make you see anything. " Jae said.

"Okay, so if this thing can make anyone see things then how are we supposed to know what's real or fake?" I asked.

"I have no clue, it sounds like it just makes you hallucinate whenever it's close, but it's powerful." She said.

"So we've just got to go in with a clear head is what you're saying, we can't trust anything we see." I said.

"I guess that's the only way we can, but a bullet to the head should kill it easy enough." She said.

"Sounds like a good time." I said.

Jae nodded.

We tracked it to a farm house out in the country in Utah, it had the family hallucinating all different things and as we parked the car and went up to the door Jae looked at me.

"This is such a terrible idea." She said softly.

I nodded, "Yeah, but it's the only one we've got." I said.

She nodded and I kicked the door in, both of us charging inside, pistols and flashlights ready.

We split up, Jae taking the upstairs as I swept the first floor.

"I've got nothing down here, any sign of it up there?" I asked Jae as she came to the top of the stairs.

"No, but the family is here, I'll send them down to you." She said.

I nodded as she lead the trembling and terrified family down the stairs and I lead them outside.

I turned as I got the last of them outside.

"Jae?" I asked.

She'd gone across the hall out of my sight to check another room. She didn't answer when I called to her, but she was talking to someone I couldn't see.

I took the stairs quickly, thinking she might have found the monster who was doing this to people and needed backup.

As I got to the hall upstairs and walked to the door to the room she had entered into, my pistol drawn, she was looking at something and talking to it, what she was looking at wasn't even there, the monster was here and it was making her see things.

She looked past whatever she was seeing to me.

"Dean, get down." She said and pushed whatever she had been talking to aside as she leveled her pistol at me.

I dove out of the way and the shot hit the wall behind me. I looked up at Jae and she leveled her pistol at me again, I ran at her and tackled her around the waist to the ground, knocking her pistol from her hands and into the corner of the room as I looked down at her.

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