Love You Forever...: Part 1

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(This is set in season 14 just before they stop Nick from bringing back Lucifer and before Jack kills Mary and all of it leads into season 15)


I was at the grocery store in town with Jae, BJ sitting on Jae's arm as we looked for the right soup Jae needed for dinner this Friday. Every Friday we could we'd decided Jae would cook a big meal for us all, she loved doing it and we invited anyone who could come but sometimes had it be just the four of us.

Jae was an excellent cook and she could make anything taste good, and I mean a anything. Dean had given her a list of the worst foods to make something out of and now that was one of his favorite meals.

I was reading the ingredients to a soup can I picked up to Jae so she could see if it was the right stuff and someone came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder firmly.

I looked over my shoulder as I turned to them. I stopped as I recognized him his dark skin and eyes with the same short buzz cut hair he'd had the last time I'd seen him.

"Jameson?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face.

He nodded and laughed as I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back, slapping me on the back softly as we separated.

He had a girl with him I knew too, Harriet, her unusual grey eyes and dark skin and long braided hair. The two of them were old friends of mine back from Stanford, they'd stopped in to act like students on a case of their own and I'd helped them out a little, the only case I'd run while being there.

"Sam." Harriet smiled, stepping forward as I bent down to hug her softly and she hugged me back.

I turned to Jae where she held BJ behind me and put an arm around her waist lovingly.

"This is my wife, Jae, and our son, BJ." I introduced.

Jae smiled warmly at them.

"Sam, you did good." Jameson chuckled softly as he looked from Jae to me.

I pulled her closer and laughed softly, "Yeah, you don't even know the half of it." Jameson laughed and I introduced them to Jae.

"Honey, this is Jameson and Harriet, they're hunters I knew for a while back at Stanford, the ones I told you about that ran the case with the Rugaru." I said.

Her eyes brightened and she nodded.

"Yes, I remember. It's great to meet you both." She smiled as she leaned forward and shook their hands.

"How old is this cute little guy?" Harriet asked as she looked at BJ as he pointed at her, grunting softly in question as to who she was.

"BJ, how old are you?" Jae asked him as he looked at her, lowering his finger and placing it on her jackets zipper where he'd been playing with it, toying with it again mindlessly.

"Tuh." He said, putting up two tiny fingers on his other hand.

"Good job, smarty pants." She said, giving him an Eskimo kiss as he giggled cutely.

Harriet laughed softly, "He's so cute." She smiled.

"Thank you." Jae smiled back.

"What are you two doing in Kansas?" I asked them.

"We just got off a case a few states over and were passing through when we saw you after we pulled up to get some food." Jameson said.

"Well, I'm glad you stopped to say hello." I smiled.

"How have you been? Obviously a lot has happened since we last saw each other." Jameson chuckled, gesturing to Jae and BJ.

"Baby, why don't we have dinner tonight? If you two aren't doing anything and have a babysitter for cutie here." Harriet suggested.

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