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I laid in bed with Jae, facing her as I stroked the smooth skin of her shoulder with my thumb gently, she was only in her bra and underwear as we laid under our sheets.

She was looking at me too, running a hand through my hair as she looked at me with love in her eyes.

It was only a day after Dean, Cas, and Jae got Famine's ring and I had been making what I did up to Jae ever since, although she'd assured me I didn't need to.

Dean knocked on our door and we looked up.

"Hey, we need to have a talk about the final horsemen, meet in the library in ten." Dean said through the door.

"Okay." I said and looked back at Jae.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"If you want me to go out in only my underwear then yeah." She teased slightly.

I smiled to myself softly and shook my head.

"No one is allowed to see you in only your underwear but me." I said.

She smiled, "Okay, then I'll get dressed." She said.

She got ready in some jeans and a T-shirt with one of my flannels and we went to the library where Cas, Jack, and Dean were sitting.

We sat down and Dean spoke.

"Alright, so the other horsemen found us before we found them, this time we've got Pestilence in the bag. Ketch found him in Texas, we should go and bag him ASAP." Dean said.

"And what are we going to do? Run in half cocked?" I asked.

"No. We're going to take him off guard." Dean said.

"Okay, lets leave in twenty, you can explain your plan to us in more detail on the way." Jae said.

"Alright." Dean said.

We packed and Sam and I drove in the truck with Dean on speaker from my phone as he explained his plan.

We got to a motel and instantly went to find Pestilence.

We entered the hospital he was in, it was after hours and only a few nurses patrolled the halls, all of them demons.

We snuck past them, killing the few we ran into easily.

We split up, all of us feeling worse as we got closer to the floor he was on.

Jae, Jack, and I were together and Dean and Cas were together taking the back way.

As we entered the room he looked up, all three of us feeling horrible.

Dean and Cas were in the corner on the floor, Pestilence looked up at us, holding his hand with the ring, in pain.

It looked like Dean and Cas had done it, but Pestilence's face split into a smile and he turned to face us, his hand intact.

"Just kidding." He smirked and put his hand out to the three of us.

Istantly we all dropped to the floor in pain, it felt like my organs were giving out.

I gasped and blood spurrted out of my mouth as I coughed.

I looked over at Jae but she wasn't next to me.

I looked around at Jack, Dean, and Cas.

"Now, you four are going to pay for what you did to me and my brothers, again." He said.

Several monsters came in the room and grabbed the four of us, dragging us into another hospital room and strapping us down to the beds inside, one knocking Cas out so he couldn't help in any way.

All I Wanted Was You (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now