I'm Terrified...: Part 1

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Jae was still unconscious in our room, after that surge of energy and power she'd crashed.

Dean, Cas, and I stood in the medical room, watching her.

"Cas, what was that? Is she an Archangel?" Dean asked.

Cas shook his head, "No, but her power is similar. I don't know what she is." Cas said.

"And how did she do that? She's never been able to do that before." I said.

"When her immortality was restored it gave her a surge of uncontrollable energy, but it was dangerously out of control, how she kept a hold of that much power I don't know. She could have ripped this whole bunker to shreds." Cas said.

"Has she been able to do this all along?" Dean asked.

Cas shook his head, "No. Yes she had the potential to, but she needed more power, like a boost to get her there." Cas said.

We all looked at her again, "so what does this mean?... I mean, that was bigger than anything we've ever seen, she killed Baal like it was nothing and tore through straight iron with no effort." Dean said, looking a little afraid of her.

"It means nothing, she's still Jae, and we've all gone through things like this, we'll do what we always do, figure it out as we go and roll with the punches, make sure she's okay." I said.

Cas nodded and Dean nodded too, still a little scared, I think we were all scared, not particularly of her, but of what she could do.

A few hours later Jae woke up, I sat at the desk in our room, thinking over what had happened. BJ was sitting in my lap, Mom, Jody, Donna, and the girls had brought him back to the bunker a few hours ago.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, sitting up as she looked around, looking scared.

"Sam, what happened?" She asked.

"You got you immortality back, Dean and Cas went to get it. You killed Baal." I said.

She seemed to remember and her eyes went wide with fear.

"Sam, that's what Pestilence was talking about... What I did..." She said, looking at me.

BJ put his arms out for Jae and she shook her head.

"No, BJ..." She said sadly.

She got up and walked out of our room, looking lost in her own thoughts.

BJ made a little grunt and I set him down as he walked after her on his little legs.

I followed them, Jae entering the library and walking to the shelves there as Dean and Cas sat at the table with Jack.

"Jae, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Dean asked.

"Fine." She said, not paying attention to them as she searched the shelves and pulled a book off one of them.

Dean and Cas looked at me, confused and concerned and I shook my head, not knowing why she was acting like this any more than they did.

BJ toddled up to Jae and took a fist full of her sweatpants, stomping his feet as he looked up at her, grunting softly in his cute baby voice.

Jae tried to back away from him but he held onto her pants, not letting go.

"BJ, let go." She said sternly.

He grunted a little louder and scrunched his eyebrows in frustration that she wouldn't hold him.

She grimaced and leaned against the bookshelf, putting a hand to her head as she squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

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