I'm Terrified...: Part 2

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We found Jae after almost a week of her being gone and when we tracked her to a hotel in Florida we went straight there.

We got her room number when we showed our fake FBI badges at the counter and went up to the room she was in.

I knocked on the door and no one answered. Dean pulled out his lock picking kit and picket the lock, opening the door and pushing it open as I walked inside.

She wasn't here.

"You've got to be kidding me. She's one step ahead of us every time." Dean groaned.

"It's because she's smart, Dean. She's tracking us while we're tracking her. We aren't going to find her." I said.

"Then we'll just have to change tactics. We'll find her, Sammy." Dean said.

I wasn't so sure, she knew how to throw people off without much effort and she didn't stick to one routine for long, she'd keep switching to different routines and identities until we gave up and she was home free.

I nodded anyway, we'd keep trying until I was sure there was no way to find her ourselves.

Dean's phone rang and he looked at it, taking it from his jacket pocket.

He narrowed his eyebrows in confused concern as he answered it and put the phone on speaker.

"Harris, you alright?" Dean asked.

Agent Harris had called him, he never called us unless we'd asked him for help with something, and we hadn't.

"Dean, I need some help if it's not too much trouble." He said.

"We would, Harris, but we're tied up looking for Jae." Dean said.

"What happened? I've been able to get a hold of her." He said.

Dean looked up at me, annoyance and frustration written all over her face.

"You've gotten her to answer?" I asked him.

"Yes, I need her help too." He said.

"And is she coming to help you?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." Harris said.

"Then we're in." I said.

"Okay, meet me in Virginia in a few hours. I'll send you an adress." He said.

"Alright." Dean said and hung up.

Cas looked at us, confused.

"Why is Jae answering his call and not ours?" He asked.

"Because she's ghosting us." Dean said as he pushed past us and out to the hall.

Cas looked even more confused.

"I don't think she's a spirit, Dean." Cas said, as we walked out of her room after him.

Dean groaned, "She's avoiding us, Cas. Jesus Christ." Dean cursed, annoyed.

"When did Jesus Christ get involved in this?" Cas asked.

"Just shut up, Cas." Dean said.

We drove to Virginia and went to the address Harris gave us.

We pulled up and went to the motel room he had.

He opened the door for us as we knocked and we went inside as he closed the door behind us, locking it.

"Harris, how's Tyson? I haven't heard anything about him y-" Jae stopped as she exited the bathroom, drying off her hands with a rag as she saw us.

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