War...: Part 1

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I sat at the table in Ketch's hotel room, sitting next to Sam as I stitched up a nasty cut on his ribs.

I was still in my bloody and soaking wet dress, all of us soaked except Rowena and Jack.

Sam held his shirt up as I stitched his skin back together carefully and he winced slightly as I pulled the needle through.

Ketch had a few bruises and some small cuts but they would heal easy enough. Dean had a cracked rib or two and a cut on his head and Cas had a black eye and a bloody nose and I had a stab wound in my shoulder and some bruises of my own.

After I finished stitching Sam up he helped me with the stab wound I got. He disinfected it as I held a tight fist full of his soaked jacket, and gritted my teeth through the awful sting it gave me.

He then stitched it closed for me and put gauze around it, taping the gauze in place.

I let out a long sigh and looked at everyone else, Cas had been cleaning up while we were stitching each other up and Dean had been trying to stop the bleeding of the cut on  his head while Ketch cleaned up himself.

"So now that we know the horsemen are out there, we'll probably be the first targets to all of them." Dean said.

"Yeah, they probably aren't very happy about being sent back in hiding by us for so long." Sam said.

I sat next to Dean and motioned for him to let me help him put the one or two stitches in his head.

He nodded and turned to look at me as I knelt on the chair next to him so I was looking down at him in order to get a better angle with the stitches.

I disinfected the cut and Dean cursed softly. I held him still with one hand on his shoulder and started to stitch his forehead closed.

"Jesus Christ, Jae." He cursed as I pulled the needle through.

"Shut up or I'll sew your eyebrow in it too." I said as I concentrated on getting the stitches right. Injuries to the head were the hardest to stitch up, the skin was tight there and it hurt like the Dickens.

Dean tried not to move as I did the second stitch but winced as I tied the knot and cut the thread.

I put a square of gauze on his head and taped it in place.

I moved to sit next to Sam again and leaned into him as he took my hand.

"So we have to be careful, they won't go easy on us this time, they've met us before and now they know our strategies." I said.

Cas nodded, "So then we should bring the fight to them." He said.

"Yes, gank them before they get their footing." Dean said.

"But we have to be cautious, we can't run in there half cocked like the last time. We need to out smart them, not just hope to out gun them." Sam said.

I nodded as I put a hand on my shoulder tenderly and grimaced, the stab wound hurt terribly.

"I'll keep an eye out for the horsemen, it shouldn't be hard to find them." Ketch said.

"I can give as much help as I can, but I may not be much help against them now that they are back in their physical form and much more powerful now." Rowena said.

"And what do I do? If I had my grace I could kill them... But I'm useless." Jack said.

I looked at Jack sadly, he was feeling so lost without his grace, he had been ever since he lost it.

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